Chapter 5

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So, this is what I'm talking about guys! Though I still want to set a goal and do you think 30 views for Chapter 4 and 5 each still achievable? Thank you for the support and I hope that this story is as fun to read as it is to write. Enjoy!


I jolted up awake from a nightmare though it was not a dream, it happened before, in the past. It's happening again.

I wiped my wet cheeks 'cause I know I've been crying during the dream. I rested my back on my headboard and closed my eyes. I tried calming my breathing.

Forget it. It's in the past already. You're free now.

Suddenly, I felt a presence in the room. I opened my eyes but I was only greeted by darkness. I roamed my eyes around and caught a glimpse of a silhouette of someone in the balcony but when I glanced at it once again, it was gone.

I was probably just imagining things, right?

I slowly got up from my bed, my heart beating rapidly, to check if I was really imagining things. I tried making my steps soundless as I walked toward the balcony. I moved the white curtain away to slide the balcony door open. I peeked outside but there was no one in the balcony.

I cautiously walked out and checked my surroundings, darkness, but what caught my eyes were the visible tips of a pair of black shoes under the shade of the old oak tree near the wall surrounding our property. The hairs on my arms and nape went up and my heart beat was faster than ever. My hands shook from fear and my feet staggered backward as I travelled my eyes upward but I couldn't see who it was. I felt my back touch the wall beside the opened door and when I looked at the pair of shoes again, it was gone.

I quickly went inside and closed the door with a bang, locking it. I leaned my back on the door and released a shaky breath. I pulled on my hair from fear, confusion, and any mixed emotion from what happened.

I was just imagining things, right? Fuck.


I went downstairs after I got myself ready for school. It was still 6 am in the morning. If you think I am an early bird, you're deadly wrong.

When I saw the time after that scary incident, it was 3:27 am. I calmed myself down and decided to catch some sleep, but to no avail. After 30 minutes of rolling over the bed trying to get a comfortable position, I gave up. I was not able to move on from the shock of what happened so I decided to get up, get a good book from my bookshelf inside my room and read the night away.

I got up at 5am and got ready for school. I also changed the white curtains into black ones so that no one can see through it.

I put my bag on the breakfast counter and went my way to the fridge to see what I can cook. I decided to make my specialty which is the kimchi fried rice. I placed the ingredients on the kitchen counter and went to the coffee maker to make us some coffee because I know I need it.

I cut the kimchi into small pieces while frying the pork belly over low heat. When the pork belly was slightly cooked, I put the sliced kimchi and some rice. I mixed the ingredients and added the gochujang. I stirred it again and after a few more minutes, it's done~!

I heard some footsteps coming from upstairs. Taehyung is awake now.

I placed the pan on the dining table and went to get some plates and utensils for us two. I saw him making his way to the dining room as I went back to pour us some coffee.

"You're up already?" I asked him as I placed his mug in front of him. He's already seated at the dining table, rubbing his eyes from sleep. He yawned and looked at me as I sat beside him, "I could ask you the same thing."

I don't want to concern him about my nightmares and imagination because I know he's tired so I just answered, "yeah, just wanna have breakfast with you," with a smile.

He smiled at me when he finished sipping on his coffee, "I smelled what you're cooking and I missed it so I got up too. It's my favorite, you know?" He said teasingly.

I laughed at him as I shook my head. "Let's eat!"

"Thank you for the food!" We both said and started attacking our meal.

When we're just left with our coffee, we sipped quietly.

"Have problems in school?" He asked as he looked at me with concern.

"Nope! School works are passed on time," I smirked proudly.

"Cocky!" He teased and I laughed.

"Hey, plan your vacation today, okay? Sneak some plans about getting a girlfriend in it too, alright?" I teased as I finish my coffee.

He blushed, "ya! I don't have to plan that. They can just line up because I'm so handsome they can't resist it," he said that made me laugh. "Way too cocky!" I said as I stood up.

He didn't tease me back because he's the one who advised me to focus on my studies. I put our plates on the sink and was about to wash it when Tae interrupted me. "I'll do that. Go. It's 7 already."

I looked at him and at my wristwatch. Yep, it's 7am. I smiled at him, "thanks! Don't forget later, okay?"

I reached for my bag on the breakfast counter and pat him on the shoulder as I walked.

"Okay, I'll see you after school. Love ya!" he said behind my back, "Love you too!" I replied.

I inhaled a deep breath and cautiously opened the door. I scanned my surroundings and sighed in relief.

Okay. Let's do this!

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