Chapter 65

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I'm so so sorry for the wait, guys! Didn't know the movie was a two-hour one. Had a movie marathon with the fam.

I haven't watched the running man and unexpected q yet, huh. Poor me. Is there any eng sub yet? Let me know.

Well, this is it. Though the moment you've been anticipating for is not yet today, haha. Maybe tomorrow. I just have to get this out of the way so I don't have to suffer reading it again and again. Here's the update.



I saw fire around the place when I opened my eyes. I saw the fire eating away on the pillars of this hut. My home.

Everything was happening in slow motion and I saw my Mom talking to me in panic but I couldn't hear anything. My head is blank. I couldn't think of anything, couldn't absorb what's happening.

I felt the burning on my skin as I slowly sat myself up. My mom dragged me hastily, shielding me from the fire. I looked at her face but it was unfamiliar. Why am I calling her Mom in my mind?

We coughed because of the smoke filling the house. This isn't my house. Where am I?

We wandered around but I don't know where we were going until I saw a door opening and out, came a man, carrying a boy my age. Something was telling me he's my Dad and that boy was my brother.

He stared worriedly at us as he walked toward our direction. My hearing was slightly getting clear as my eyes burn from the smoke. I couldn't breathe normally as smoke starts to fill my lungs.

"Lisa, are you alright?" he stooped down slightly, caressing my face with a father's affection and worry.


My heart pounded in my chest in confusion and fear. What's happening?

Tears were streaming down my cheeks while nodding. He smiled comfortingly at me even though his eyes were getting teary.

He stood up, "let's get out of here," he said to my Mom, kissing her forehead and clasping her hand with his, leading the way out.

We struggled to find a way out because the fire was getting bigger but Dad was there to take falling of the wood and making a way for us.

I was crying out of pain, worry, and fear as I struggled to breathe. My breathing was becoming short and coming out as pants. My mom was just rubbing my back for comfort, hushing us and telling comforting words like, 'we'll get out of here,' 'we're gonna be okay.'

Once we finally got out of the burning house, my knees gave out because of weakness as I coughed my lungs out.

I heard loud footsteps coming our way, making me look up. Fire torches greeted me. I couldn't see the people's faces because of the shadows made by the torches they're holding but I could make out their angry and scared faces.

There were so many of them and they were clad with unfamiliar fashion. They clothe like the people from the 18th to 19th century if my memory serves me right.

My Dad stood up hastily when they stopped, "Henry! What's happening?!"

A man, maybe Henry, walked up, "You! You're a devil's spawn!" He said in a furious tone and looked at my Mom, "stay away from him, Chaerin! He's evil! A monster!" He pointed the torch to my Dad.

My Mom just wrapped her arms around me and I felt my brother's grip on my arm, "no! You're the monster here, Henry!"

His face morphed into a conflicted expression and his face hardens, "then, you gave me no other choice!"

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