Chapter 26

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Yo guys! Have you seen blackpink's album? They were so cool! Badass even. I personally love the black version but I'll buy the two versions if I have any money, that is. I'll just keep on dreaming, hahaha!


"I'm sorry, my darling," Uncle Yang said to my mother as he caressed my mother's bruised face, "but you gave me no choice! You should have picked me instead of my coward of a stepbrother," my mother moved away from his touch.

"I'll never love a monster like you!" She shouted at Uncle Yang and spit at his face when he stooped down on her level. I could see a gun from under his black suit, tucked in his jeans.

He wiped his face as anger painted it, "AND THAT'S WHY YOU ENDED UP HERE! I BECAME A MONSTER BECAUSE OF YOU!" He shouted as he held my mother's face tighter.

I could see pain on my mother's face but I couldn't do anything but to cry harder because of how useless I felt.

"Where's Dad?!" Taehyung shouted as he tried to loosen the rope.

"DAD!!" We forgot about him! Please be safe Dad!

"Oh. You're Dad?" Yang said mischievously as he turned to face us even though he can't see us and stood up.

"Don't worry, my dearest. He's dead!" He laughed an evil laugh.

"NO! YOU MONSTER!!" I shouted at him. I poured all the hatred, fear, and shock I felt in that but it's not enough! I am tied up and even if I was not, I couldn't fight for my own life.

I felt fucking useless.

"It's true though, haha! I dealt with him first before going here so that I can have your mother all by myself," He smirked evilly as he put his both hands on either side of my mother's shoulder, facing us.

"Now, honey. I have a question for you. Do you want to be with me or you wanna die?" He asked sweetly as he played with her hair.

"Fuck! No, Mom! Don't pick him, please! I'll just die with you, please!!" I pleaded to her because I know what she'll say for the sake of her children.

"MOM! NO! WE'LL DIE WITH YOU!" Taehyung seconded.

"I'm sorry, love. I want you to live," she said with sobs. "I love you," she added.

I shook my head, "No, Mom, please!" I begged as I sobbed.

I heard Yang's evil laugh, "you will never regret choosing me, love but they have to go!" He said in an evil voice and suddenly the window dimmed and we heard the door to our room open.

"NO! LET THEM LIVE! I CHOSE YOU!" I heard my mother scream on the other side but I could only whimper as everything fell before my eyes.

"But you will never for—" I didn't hear the next word Yang said as everything blurred and my head felt dizzy.

"Jennie! Jennie!" I heard Taehyung's faint voice but I couldn't fight back, my eyes became droopy and everything went black.

"Jennie," I heard a soft voice calling me, "Jennie, wake up!" It's becoming clear now, "Jennie!" I heard a female's voice and when I slowly opened my eyes, I saw Lisa's face and I didn't know that my tears were falling still.

My body had a brain of its own as it went to hug Lisa. I put my head on her shoulders and she got frozen on her spot but eventually returned the hug. I cried softly on her shoulders, making her sweater wet. Her neck felt cold but it felt unusually comforting for me. "Ssshhh," she quietly said as she rubbed circles on my back, making me feel relaxed.

I pulled away from her slowly and suddenly felt the embarrassment from what I did so I looked down, hiding my blushing face.

I heard her sniff cutely so I looked up and saw her as she wiped her eyes, "a-are you okay?" She asked.

I was confused, why is she crying?

"Why are you crying?" I asked in my hoarse voice as I slowly leaned on my headboard. She wiped her eyes again, "A-uhm...I just...something just caught in my eye," she laughed softly.

I wiped my cheeks as I saw her look up to stop the tears from falling which made me laugh softly. When she was done, "are you okay now? I think you're having a nightmare," she asked in her quiet voice.

I closed my eyes to let my breathing calm, "yeah. It was nothing," I replied.

I felt her hand on my thigh which made me freeze and open my eyes, "I-I'm sorry," she sheepishly said and was about to withdraw but, "n-no. I-it's okay," I said, blushing unconsciously but pretended it didn't affect me as I closed my eyes.

I felt her finger rubbed circles on my thigh and it made me feel relaxed as I calmed my breathing.

"They are here now, by the way, well except for Rosé. They are the living room. The backdoor is open so we barged in, if you don't mind," she said as she laughed softly.

I opened my eyes, "yes, okay. Rosé knows this place, she's maybe a bit late," I said with a smile.

"Thank you," I said sincerely as I looked into her eyes. I bit my lip as I looked into it because it was so beautiful. It was mysterious and unraveling. You could get lost in her eyes and never want to ever be found again.

"It's my pleasure," her voice was really silky and seductive but cute at the same time and I couldn't pick what I liked best.

I blushed and looked away with closed eyes when I realized that I'm staring at her for too long now. I heard her fake a cough, "I-ah...uhm I-I'll leave you t-to uh fix yourself," she stuttered and I'm thankful I'm not the only one with that reaction, "y-yeah. Thanks," I said shyly.

She stood up and gave me a shy smile, walking her way out of my room. I slumped on my bed and clumsily moved around, don't know what to do.

Gaaaahhh!!! What are doing to me, Lisa?!

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