Chapter 116

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Hey, guys! How are your all doing today?

Have you been voting for our babies through the apps? Please, even though there are so many platforms to vote in that even I, myself, couldn't memorize and get confused with, we should vote for them with all the hearts we could earn through watching ads whatsoever but I sometimes get annoyed at how much of a scam those surveys and games were grr.

Anyway, today is BLINK Selca Day like every 8 th of the month for almost 4 years already but I think this is one of the scariest that happened in my opinion. Some of the Facebook stans uploaded the Selca entries of the stans from Twitter and to tell you, it was a scary experience for those people whose Selcas were spread through Facebook.

They were outed without their permission. Those Facebook pages didn't ask for their permission to spread those photos. Some even were forced to out themselves to their families and friends. Some were confronted by their friends who saw those pictures. It was a shameful act from those people on Facebook.

I saw someone saying that they were planning to tell their friends slowly (their parents already know) but that privilege was taken from them by those shameless people. It was scary because I could relate to them.

As someone who has been struggling with their sexuality, I couldn't imagine being in the spotlight while my friends and family drill a hole in my head with their questions and opinions.

This is to call out to those who take this privilege away from the rightful owners. I hope you realize your mistakes and take it to your own to apologize. I think your apology wouldn't ease the trauma the people who have been outed without their consent were feeling today but I hope you repent because that's the least you could do.

Welp, anyway, enjoy :)



"Why are you all gathered here?" Rosé looked around her at my friends.

"A group of vampires attacked us last night and we are here to check the door my sister was telling us," Jungkook answered after he swallowed.

"I'm glad you're all okay and sorry for not being there to help," she smiled a shameful one and continued, "but I see, you've already found that door my mother was telling me about. Though, I haven't seen it for myself yet, "she replied as she returned to her seat.

"How are you and your mother related to this?" I asked what was bugging me all this time. Chaeyoung shrugged, "I don't know how but one day after I successfully finished an assessment, my mother told me that I would have my first honorable assignment. She told me that the King himself requested my service and I was really honored, "she smiled proudly with the memory.

"Did they say anything as to why they gave you this task?" I dug deeper into the matter but she shook her head. "I'm not in the position to question their request at that time. I was ordered to find a Jennie who would be born with a twin and protect them, "she stated and I was confused.

"When was this, exactly?" I asked, for it was such a vague request from my father. How come they demanded this from Chaeyoung without so much as clear information as to where to find them?

"It was 30 years ago, Your Royal Highness," she replied and it came as a shock to all of us. Taehyung gasped in disbelief, "Thirty years ago? We weren't even being born that time, "he exclaimed in his seat.

"You've been watching us all along? How old are you? " Jennie asked in curiosity.

"I'm 220 years old," she answered with a smile, knowing Jennie was still in shock.

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