Chapter 34

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Hey guys!! I'm so sorry for the late update. I got caught up with replaying BlackPink's performances in Music Core and some movie marathon with the fam, hehe. I personally prefer this version of their performance of DDDD. The camera angle change is hurting my eyes so yeah. Here's your treat~


I arrived at their house at seven in the evening. I heard the clanking of utensils inside the house, telling me that they were still eating their dinner. I heard that Taehyung has finished packing and his flight will be tomorrow at 9pm.

I decided to just wait for Jennie to go to her room in the oak tree so that I could find a comfortable position to observe her. When I heard her enter the room, I didn't use my heightened vision so I could give her the privacy while changing her clothes. Why is she even changing her clothes in her room? She has her walk-in closet and her bathroom to change in, why??? It's getting hot in here.

What am I even thinking? I thought as I fanned myself.

I heard a door open inside so I checked what she was doing and saw her walking out of the bathroom in her black nightwear, drying her hair with a towel. Black really suits her.

It's Saturday so she doesn't have any school works to do. With that, she went to her bookshelf and picked a book to read. She combed her hair with her fingers while biting her lips, contemplating what she would read. That was hot!

Stop thinking, Lisa!

When she finally picked her book, she went toward her bed and found a comfortable position while leaning on the headboard. I observed how her eyebrows knitted cutely while reading and how she smiled and laugh softly every now and then.

I didn't know that just by reading, you could get a smile or a laugh from her despite all she had gone through in the past. I admired her because she's so strong and she wouldn't be swayed now with her strong personality.

Then I remembered what the book said: It was like the life of the royal-blooded was continuously being crafted into a human person before its right time to be born.

Her life today was based on what life I've lived. My past was her past.

That's' why her dreams triggered something in me. We experienced the same grief and it was because of me why she suffered years ago. It was far worse than mine. She lost her parents while mine were still living up to now.

I felt sad because if I hadn't gone through those tragedies, she wouldn't have lost her parents and her old self but I won't complain now because it happened already, we couldn't change the past and I really love her personality now. Mysterious but unveiling.

As I thought of her, I didn't know my heart started beating as butterflies invaded my stomach but I didn't mind it as I looked at her.

If you ever be my poison, I'll gladly take you.

I was shocked at my unconscious thought but as I thought of it, it really was the truth. I smiled unconsciously as I looked at her dreamily while she's smiling with her eyes on her book.

Even if you're my poison, I'll protect you with my life.


"What's with that look?" Jisoo asked with furrowed eyebrows as soon as I walked inside the mansion.

I blushed mindlessly which made their eyes widen in shock and scurry toward me.

"Ya! Are you sick?!" Jisoo asked worriedly as she touched my forehead.

"Vampires don't get sick," Junhoe sarcastically said and smiled teasingly at me.

"Oh right. I forgot," Jisoo said innocently but turned toward me, "what happened?"

"Maybe, Jennie has something to do with it," Hanbin said while wiggling his eyebrows while clutching to a small pillow.

"Did you two kiss?" Junhoe teased which made me glare at him as I blushed harder, walking toward the sofa.

"Ya! That's fast! Who would kiss her stalker, hmm? You're a creep to her!" Jisoo laughed at me.

"Ya! You're hurting me~" I whined like a kid when I heard her.

Hanbin laughed, "maybe she admitted to herself that she likes Jennie!" He said which made my eyes turn wide in astonishment.

The others saw my reaction and hastily went toward me, bombarding me with questions.

"You did?!"

"Are you serious?!"

"Is it true?!"

I winced at the volume of their excited voice directed to my ears but nodded nonetheless, still red. I heard them squealed in unison making my eardrum explode and when I looked at them, they were like worms that were poured with salt. Jisoo was rolling on the carpet, Hanbin was clutching his pillow while rolling on my left and Junhoe was hitting the backrest of the sofa to my right, hugging it every now and then.

I shook my head at their antics as I laughed, "Ya! You all look like worms!"

"I can't believe this!" Jisoo.

"Yeah! First time, she admitted it first!" Hanbin.

"And the girl doesn't even know her!" Junhoe laughed and the others joined. I glared at them but they just ignored me, continuing with their conversation.

"What more if she found that she's her stalker?" Jisoo said, making the others laugh harder while I just slouched in my seat as I crossed my arms, pissed.

The laughter subsided as they wiped their tears.

"So now, what?" Jisoo turned serious.

"Yeah. You know that you should be careful around her, right?" Junhoe asked in worry.

"Do you really like her?" Hanbin furrowed his eyebrows.

"I know I can control myself around her now if ever I smelled her scent and yes, I really like her," I said as I looked at them.

"So, is this a change of plans?" Hanbin asked.

"No, It's not. We just have to add Lisa's plan. Project: Go get Jennie!" Junhoe teased with a laugh making us laugh with him.

"But what if, the higher ups found out about this before we even got a hold of the missing pages?" Jisoo worriedly asked.

"Then, I'll protect her. Based on what was written in the book, she has nothing to do with it. She was born because of me and the fault was on our side. I won't let them come near her or even touch a strand of her hair," I said seriously, my eyes getting dark, earning nods from my companions.

"We got you," Jisoo smiled sincerely at me, the two doing the same with a nod of their head.

"Thank you, guys!" I sincerely smiled at them back, offering my arms, "group hug!" I shouted which they gladly did.

I'm grateful that I have these people in my life.

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