Chapter 130

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Chapter 130


I threw my gloves down on the ground, already exhausted after so many repeated simulations. "I thought you were ready, Jisoo," I said in a stern voice, looking at her with contained anger.

All our companions were already strewn on the floor, healing from their acquired wounds. Eunbi and the others had their heads down in shame at the result of the activity. Tzuyu and Ten who played the Kims' roles had received several blows from us that if this were real, they'd be dead by now.

Jungkook was massaging his temple to keep his cool while I sighed heavily. "Find me when you got your shit together." I left, descending the stairs to let off some steam. My hands were already shaking as moved to a lone sandbag and throwing a punch that had the bag flying across the room.

All eyes turned toward me but I didn't pay them any mind as I heaved to calm myself down. Watching the two receive those blows made me feel nauseated, thinking that if their plan didn't work, Jennie would die. I wouldn't let them live freely as long as I live, no matter our relationship.

If not for the rule that all that were involved in the war must not leave in the middle of it, I would've just teleported them away from the scene. One of the heads that lead one of the parties should yield first before anyone could leave. It was an ancient rule that even us Royals couldn't break.

I rested my back on the wall before closing my eyes, worrying about Jennie and how everything was starting to fall apart, thinking if I should just break that fucking rule, the throne be damned.

A pat on my shoulder brought me back to reality and I found my brother giving me a sympathetic smile before gesturing toward the combat mats. "Care to spar? No holding back," he said with a comforting look. I gave him a worn-out smile though thankful for his offer, nodding.

We warmed up a little before we did our handshake before a sparring session. We smiled and rounded, observing each other's movements. As soon as I prepared my right leg for a roundhouse kick, Jungkook threw a punch at my bicep causing me to wobble a little.

I had landed punches on his lower stomach and used his reaction time to push through with the roundhouse kick. He met the mat, clutching at my left calf, and pulled to get me down with him.

I groaned when my back hit the floor, kicking his side to free myself from his tight hold and sliding my leg in between his, moving swiftly toward the lower half of his body and putting him in a leg lock, putting pressure on his heel bone.

"Okay, let's get to the real deal," he said, tapping on my leg lightly. I let out a breath before I freed him, standing up. No walking round-like, no assessing any movements, and all punches and kicks. I could feel my body aching with the blows my brother was throwing at me but I did not mind them.

We kept going at it nonstop until blood was already coating our fists and lips, our legs almost strained, grunting and groaning from the ache. After almost an hour, we slumped down the mat, closing our eyes as we let our body heal from the intense combat.

"Are you feeling better?" Jungkook broke the silence between us. I nodded, "a little," I replied before turning my head to the side to look at him. "I'm scared, Kookie. I've never been this scared before," I shook my head with a sigh, feeling my heart in my throat.

"Because for once, you have something to lose. It's like watching them play by the cliff and you're so anxious they might fall. It's up to us to let them continue playing there or pull them to safety," he said solemnly as I nodded in agreement.

"It's up to us," I repeated, "yeah," he said as he glanced at me for a second.

"Don't be too hard on Jisoo. She's just like us. Her lover is on the line, too. Don't dismiss the effort they're putting in on this," he reprimanded me. I just nodded, realizing my fault and planning on apologizing later.

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