Chapter 6

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Good evening/morning guys! I don't know what time zones you were at today so yeah. I unexpectedly dreamed about jenlisa today! Waahh and I was the antagonist in their story there, I don't know why, hahaha! So here's the new chapter! Tada!


"Unnie!!" I heard Chaeng's voice from the front so I looked at her. I was fixing my things in my bag after the final bell rang when she called me.

I saw her dodging people on the way here. I shook my head at her, smiling. She could be dumb sometimes. She could've waited for me outside the room, haha.

She's wearing a beige knitted sweater, a pair of black jeans and a pair of white adidas while I was wearing a gray hoodie that reached mid-thigh, a pair of gray skinny jeans and a pair black high-cut converse.

"Hey." I said to her when she finally reached me. "You could've just waited for me outside," I said as I put the last thing in my bag. "Oh, right. Sorry," she was about to turn and walk outside when I grabbed her arm. I laughed quietly at her dumbness as I shrugged my bag on one shoulder. "Let's go? Taehyung wants to tag along too. He's probably outside now."

"Oh, okay. I missed your twin, unnie~" she said as we walked to the lounge, swiping our ID. "Yeah. He's going on a vacation very soon and he wants to hang out before taking a break."

"Taehyung Oppa!" She excitedly said as she ran to him when we reached the parking lot, giving him a hug. He laughed and patted her head. "How are you, Chaeng? It's been so long," he smiled at her as they pulled away. I reached them and gave Tae a quick hug too. He was wearing a black sweater, a pair of black jeans, and a pair of black adidas.

"So let's go?" He asked and we nodded as an answer. We decided to just take Taehyung's car to the ice cream parlor so we can catch up and go back here to get our cars. Taehyung is in the driver's seat while Chaeng and I are in the back seat.

"The students in our university kept talking about how the university accepted new students in the middle of the semester," Chaeng said. Oh so that's what the fuss is all about.

"Oh, so that's why the hallways are noisy today," I replied.

"Yeah. They said that the university doesn't really accept new students when we're in the middle of the semester already but somehow for some reasons we don't know, they accepted these students," Rosé said, contemplating.

"They're probably rich, that's why," my brother cut in.

"Probably richer than us, you mean?" I teased him.

"Yeah, probably richer than us if they can do that. I just hope that they are friendly," Rosé said, nodding her head.

We reached the ice cream parlor and got out of the car. When we walked in, my eyes twinkled at the sight of my milk ice cream. I heard Rosé and Taehyung laughed from behind me but I ignored them and went my way to the counter. I looked at Rosé beside me, "hey, you'll pay, right? You're the one who invited us here."

"Yeah but I think I'll be broke after this because of you," she said at me which caused me to glare at her and Taehyung to laugh.

"I'll pay, don't worry. Eat all you can," he happily said that that made us perk up with happiness and jump in our stand at the counter like kids. The old lady behind the counter just chuckled at us.


They didn't stop talking about the new students and when Monday came, it was louder than ever.

I reached my first class and went to my usual seat which is at the very back. Even if I was still halfway there I know that someone was in my seat and that was unacceptable. Everyone here knows that it's my place and no one messes with me.

When I reached my seat, a blonde girl was there, looking outside the window with her legs crossed. She was clad with a gray knitted sweater, a pair of white ripped jeans and a pair of black low-cut converse.

"That's my seat," I said coldly. Everyone in the class went silent when they heard me. I can feel their gaze on us. I combed my hair on my side with my fingers out of frustration because this girl didn't move. Either she didn't hear me or she's just acting deaf.

"She's really sexy when she does that," I heard from one of my classmates said. I smirked mentally. I still have that effect on them, huh?

"Hey, didn't you hear me? Or you're just acting deaf?" I said coldly with my arms crossed over my chest.

The blonde girl uncrossed her legs and stood up, facing me. Her figure seems familiar and when I finally took a glance at her face, I was shocked.

"Y-you!" I said, pointing my index finger at her. I didn't realize what I did and I know that it was rude to point a finger at someone but I only did that out of shock.

She was the girl who offered to help me with my car but ran away from me for a reason unknown to me. She's still beautiful though.

She turned her cold gaze at me after she looked at the people staring at us coldly and there it was again, that pained look on her face as if she's trying to control something. I stared at her in confusion but she just walked past me, shoving my arm that was still pointing at her. She moved toward the left side of this row and picked the last seat.

I was still confused about what happened as I walked toward my seat. The class went back to their business after the scene but I saw Chaeng's worried face as I sat so I mouthed, "I'm okay," and she nodded with a smile.

Is she the new student the whole school was talking about? Ha! Obviously.

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