Chapter 46

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Oooopss! Sorry guys, hehe. Am I late? I was just got caught up with an indian movie. I had a thing for them for years now because their movies are a full package. Acting, music and dance all in one film and I've come to love them and not forgetting the comedy in it, haha.

Anyways, do you have the #JenLisaSyndrome? I saw this on twitter and hell, jenlisa shippers on twitter are so right! This ship is drowning us and it's becoming unhealthy though we're so in love of them we just couldn't stop, hahaha! 

Do jenlisa shippers even sleep?



"Are you okay there?" I asked in worry as I walked toward the parking lot, forgetting about my companions as I focused on my brother on the phone. I heard footsteps following me so I looked behind me. I saw my friends, looking concerned at me, their eyes filled with questions.

"Y-yeah. I'm just fighting the urge," he replied in a strained tone.

"No. I know you're with Jimin there. Ask him to get you some animal blood or hunt for you. It won't go away that fast. You'll go crazy from the memory," I seriously advised him because he might hurt someone there.

We reached Jisoo unnie's car and unlocked it, getting in. "O-okay," he replied.

"Where's Taehyung, by the way?" I asked, also worried about Jennie's brother.

"H-he's in the other room," my eyes almost popped out when I heard him. Is he fucking stupid?!

"You might kill him, you idiot!" I shouted on the phone. I don't know what I'm going to do if Jennie's brother was harmed because of me.

"N-no. He's so drunk. He doesn't have s-someone to t-take care of h-him," he protested.

"What the fuck are you thinking?!" I'm getting angry at this idiot. I felt the car move away from the parking lot as well as Jungkook's whimper, "o-ouch, noona."

"Get out of there or I'll teleport there to kick your ass out!" I warned him, getting agitated.

"N-noona, I'm fine. You know I'm stronger than you," he still has the guts to be cocky!

"I don't care if you're stronger than me which is not true, by the way! I care about the guy in the fucking room, you idiot! You might kill him in a snap!" I shouted. Fuck, she won't forgive me if something happens to her brother.

"I already met him yesterday. I'm just trying to control the urge around him just like what you're doing with her," he reasoned out, slowly calming down. I clenched my eyes shut at my stubborn brother.

"Then, you better control that urge or I'll smack you dead, alright?" I asked in my dark voice.

"Yes, noona," I heard a door opening along with shuffling on the other line, "Jimin's here now, noona. I'll update you. I promise," he ended the call the same time we arrived at the mansion.

I slumped down on my seat, calming my breathing.

"What happened?" They asked me, still not getting off the car.

"Taehyung is also a pure-blooded human," I closed my eyes in frustration.

"And Tae is paired with him?" Hanbin asked in a curious voice.

I just nodded but my eyes shot up when I heard Junhoe's laughter.

"The man up there knew you two were gay!" He said in between laughs, pointing upwards, making me glare deadly at him but it was ignored when the other two joined him.

I pulled on my hair, "Of course! They are twins and we are twins! Why didn't I think of that?!" I shouted in frustration as I kicked the back of the shotgun seat where Junhoe was seated.

"Ouch! Stop it!" He reacted.

"Hey, hey, hey! You're destroying my precious car!" Jisoo unnie slapped my feet off, glaring at me.

"This is causing me too much headache," I massaged my temples, walking out of the car and heading inside.

They followed me inside, "do you think Tae will smell like Jennie to you too?" I looked at Junhoe with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, the book said one is intended for one," I replied in my serious tone as I head toward the library.

"But you said it yourself, you're both twins," he argued, making me stop in my tracks. That makes some fucking sense.

"We must find those missing pages. I don't want to waste time anymore," I looked at them seriously.

"Alright," they replied and used their vampire skills to rummage around the library.

There's still one thing running around my mind and that was the dream Jennie had about her being me in it. I sat on the sofa, deep in thought as I contemplated on what was happening but I know I need to go to her house tonight to find out.

Is being with her last night has something to do with her dreaming about me? Does holding her stop the dream just like she thought?

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