Chapter 104

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Hey, guys! I was planning on making a long ass update today but the fam decided to watch some movies so I totally forgot that I was writing this. To still grant my promise to myself that I would update today, I had to cut this one short but please enjoy and tell me what you think. Because I have been thinking about doing this story a little more serious than what it is now but I'm thinking that I won't unpublish this story and do it in another story. The plot and characters are still the same but more serious and consistent than this one because honestly, i don't know what I'm writing sometimes and I've noticed a lot of plot holes in it and I'm trying to address all those questions in your head and in my head about this story.

I honestly love that I've got like a series-type of story in my head with this story but I'm thinking about you guys and what you think is the best for this book so I'll be waiting for your response and let's address it all together, okay? Thank you guys and I love you all.



It's six in the afternoon.

Jennie lent me her car so I could go and talk with my friends. When I opened the double doors, all eyes whipped toward me and all I could see was the relief in their eyes as they ran toward me.

"Oh my god, you worried us!" Irene was the first who scolded me as I just looked at them embarrassed. Jisoo had probably told them about what happened at Jennie's. "Yeah, I'm—" my head flew forward from the hard smack on the head that I got and as I directed my glare behind me, my foot stepped back on her own as Jisoo's glare could probably burn a hole in me.

"Why the hell did you do that?! Jennie was so worried and blaming herself last night! You're really stupid most of the times!" Well, that hit me hard. I bit my lip in shame as I looked down. "Did you see Jennie today?" Her voice was angry and I was getting scared.

"Yeah, we've talked and cleared what happened but I've still got so much to tell her about our world," I looked at her while pleading, "I'm really sorry for what happened and actually, I was at the house all those time and I knew you went there too."

She sighed to calm herself but you could still see her frustration at the situation. We've moved the conversation in the living room. Most of the boys were not here, only Namjoon, Hanbin, June, and Jin. "There was a door in the attic at Jennie's house and it is protected by a spell which I've never seen before. When I tried to open it, it really drained my strength. Inside is a perfect replica of their house but this one does not exist in this world, just an extension of reality."

"But why is it there? And how did you see it? Are you there when the spell was cast or something?" Joy asked me in confusion.

"I don't really know. I don't have any recollection of it. I don't know if they erased my memory or they extracted my blood without me knowing."

"Let me study the place and I'll tell you what I know," Wendy said. She, like the others, liked to read but what interested her more was witchcraft so she was the one you go to if you wanted to know something about it. Irene was well-versed in battle strategies, vampires, and some general aspects of the supernatural. You could consult with Seulgi when it comes to combats and weapons because she was trained by her Father. He was one of our Generals but he didn't train her to protect the Royals, it was for herself. Yeri was also an expert in weapons but she finds joy in creating innovative traps against enemies and lastly, Joy is with Wendy but was more inclined with creating potions of any kind.

Their expertise could be handy for us in times of war because I know something bad will happen one of these days and I should be prepared for what's to come.

"Okay, but who's Kai again?" Jisoo asked as she threw in some Pringles in her mouth.

"He is one of the guys who almost hurt Jennie the first time we hung out. Kai's a vampire now but he doesn't know who turned him and his friends. They're just turned into one of us to spy on our group and when you think of it, the people behind this probably know something. I don't have a clue about their agenda but I know it is bad."

"You didn't kill him?" Namjoon was perplexed with what I said, "you're using present tense so you didn't," he continued with doubt in his eyes.

"No, I did not. He's a weakling and it's a waste of time. He can serve a purpose for us," I laid my back on the backrest of the sofa and grabbed some Pringles from Jisoo which earned me a glare.

"And what purpose is that?" June asked but Hanbin interrupted, "he can spy on them and we can get some information," we nodded with what he said. "I'm thinking about taking him in," I slowly said as I look down on my pants to play with the loose thread on its side. No sound was heard so I slowly looked up, bracing myself for any assault from them.

Namjoon and Jisoo had their doubtful eyes at me, as well as the five other people in the room. "Are you serious?" Namjoon was really not so sure about my suggestion and I really value his opinion about this because he's the leader of my protectors.

"I guess? I mean, I couldn't just make him spy on them without knowing how to defend himself from them. It would be my responsibility if something happened to him while doing that for me," I defended my argument and looked at their faces. Somehow, I made them understand where I was coming from.

"But what if it backfired? What if what we thought him is used against us? How can you deal with that?"

"Also, what if it was planned all along? For him to get caught by you and you, taking him in?"

Well, those questions got me thinking about what happened. I analyzed what transpired with Kai and I knew it wasn't an act. "If they're spying on me, they know that if I catch them, it will cause them their lives," I started but Joy interrupted, "if they know you that well, they must be wondering now about why you let that weakling go," my heart pounded at her statement and fuck! What am I thinking?!

Is Kai still alive?

They watched my face turn sour at their reasonable doubts and theories as I nod. "Tomorrow is Monday and I'm sure if Kai is still alive he'll meet me at the back of the school but if not, better prepare those strategies Irene so we could be ready," I sighed in exhaustion and wiped my face. I didn't know I could be this stupid. That boy was just a newbie but his life could've been taken away so fast because of my foolishness.

I got a tap from Namjoon so I looked up, "if you believe that he's not an enemy and he's still alive tomorrow, we'll take him in. But if you got it all wrong, you have to take responsibility, alright?" I nodded and smiled in appreciation as they all got up to ready the meeting room. The others are probably in gym downstairs or in their respective rooms.

"Let's get ready to win this coming war."

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