Chapter 51

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GUYS! You should thank me for this! Even though yesterday's slip up was may fault, still, thank my ass because I made time for this update today. HAHAHA! Just kidding. Well, about the slip up being my fault and making time for this update was true. You don't need to thank me *flips hair* coz I'm doing this to revive my jenlisa heart, haha.

May this photo bless your soul. Our ship is all smiley, I'm gonna faint!

Sorry for all the typos in this chapter and in all the previous chapters

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Sorry for all the typos in this chapter and in all the previous chapters. All of these chapters are unedited. This author is a lazy ass so pardon any errors, hahaha!



I was caught off guard when her face started to move toward mine. I couldn't really react as I was frozen in my stand. I couldn't escape from her captivating gaze as it gazed softly at mine. My heart started to beat rapidly at the thought of kissing her.

I finally had the courage to look away but toward her now closer soft pink lips, tempting me to kiss it. I turned up to look at her eyes again, hoping she didn't just see me gazing at her lips just now. My stomach was swarming with nervousness and excitement. I wouldn't even be surprised if she could hear my fast beating heart.

I instinctively closed my eyes as I waited but it didn't come where I wanted it to land. Instead, I felt it on my forehead and the feeling of her lips on my skin was so much more than I anticipated. I felt my heart explode with so much excitement and happiness that let a sigh of contentedness escape from my lips.

I could feel the unknown feelings she was giving me as her lips stayed on my forehead for seconds more but one thing I felt for sure was how she fully respects me and I couldn't fall even harder for her for being this considerate and loving.

I could feel my eyes getting teary under my eyelids from too much feelings but I controlled it. I don't want to ruin this moment for us. I want to have this as one of the happiest moments of my life.

Ever since she came, everything started to work out in my life. I found friends in the people around her and Rosé and I became a little closer than before. I couldn't thank her enough for making me feel better than ever. I didn't know someone could come into my life and just in a short period of time, change it into something worth living in. Something worth living in, with her.

She eventually pulled away but the tingling sensation from her lips still lingered, making me smile unconsciously. I slowly opened my eyes as it was hard enough to break free from the feelings she made me feel.

I saw her looking at me softly, like I was the most precious gem in the world, making my heart pound again as she's really driving me crazy with her gestures.

"You're beautiful, Jennie," she whispered to me with all sincerity and I could also see it in her eyes so tell me, how can I not fall hard for her?

My smile went wide at her compliment. Her compliment was the only one that went straight to my heart and stayed there. Everything she says, it was unconsciously being stored in my mind and heart. I don't know but something about her just made me feel like I need to remember her every word.

I became attentive to her that I didn't know she has become one of the most important people in my life but I was not scared to fall in love with her because I know, even if she wouldn't return my feelings, I would never regret loving her with my whole being.

I felt the slow burning of my cheeks arrive and I couldn't help but to hide my face on her hoodie's sleeve out of embarrassment. "Why you gotta be so sweet like this?" I whined on her arm, getting it muffled, as I shook her arm and rubbing my face on it in the process. "What?" She asked in amusement when she didn't hear and thank god, she didn't. She patted my head with a chuckle, clearly oblivious of what she was making me feel inside, "and cute!"

We didn't know someone was with us until we heard a chuckle from in front of us, making me look up in surprise, Lisa doing the same. We became unaware of our surroundings because of our little moment, making me feel embarrassed with another wave of red cheeks as I groaned quietly on Lisa's sleeve.

"You're such a cute couple!" Mrs. Lee gushed in front of us with a big smile, embarrassing us more but I was undeniably happy inside at the mention of the word 'couple.'

I smirked discreetly and rested my chin on Lisa's shoulder, smiling widely at Mrs. Lee. "Thank you, Mrs. Lee!" I said sweetly, observing Lisa's expression at the corner of my eye.

I laughed inside at her stunned face but she couldn't face me immediately because my head was preventing her. Her mouth closed and opened like a fish's, didn't know what to say. It's time for payback!

"Don't be shy, girl," the old lady teased her, making me chuckle softly hearing Mrs. Lee ask for her name.

"She's Lisa, Mrs. Lee!" I answered.

I wish this was real but at least we're a couple here at my favorite shop.

I thought as I smiled widely at Mrs. Lee. I was startled when I felt her arm moved quickly from my grasp to my waist, hugging me tightly toward her. She was now smiling widely at the old lady while I just looked at her in shock at what happened.

"Can I have another cup, please?" She asked, her smile not leaving her face as I started to stare at her in confusion. Did my payback just backfire?

I was again caught off guard when she swiftly faced me, her unusually sparkling eyes looking into mine. My breath was caught up in my throat as her face moved toward mine again, my heart never slowing down as she snaked her other arm on my waist.

Her smile turned into a smirk real quick and threw a sexy wink at me then pulled away and looked at Mrs. Lee, reaching her left hand to her, the cup in her hand.

I was left there, looking at her with my mouth agape as my heart pounded in my chest and my mind blank because of her fucking sexy wink.

When the old lady reached for it, she looked back at me, smiling her cute smile with her nose scrunching like nothing fucking happened just now as her index finger rubbed circles on my side.

"You want some more too?" She asked in a teasing manner, knowing that I was still in shock.

"You're such a tease, Lisa," Mrs. Lee said in amusement as she gave Lisa's cup to her.

She chuckled and reached out for her cup. "I just love my girlfriend," she looked at me with a teasing smile, an unknown glint in her soft eyes.

My slowly calming heart fastens its pace again, not knowing what to do as I was just frozen on my stand. You're driving me crazy, Lisa! Stop it!

She chuckled quietly while looking at me and turned to Mrs. Lee again. "Can you scoop a cup for her too? I think she won't answer my question anytime soon," she said amusedly, making the old lady laugh and shake her head in amusement.

"Alright. Sit her down. She might not be able to walk by herself too," Mrs. Lee teased me again, making me shake my head to break out of my trance and pull away from her grip quickly as I glared at her, stomping my feet away toward our table while ignoring them.

I plopped myself down with a frown just like Lisa earlier while I heard their laughter behind me. I cringed in embarrassment at my actions. Lisa will probably tease me again later after we ate and I was dreading it.

I realized that this was Rosé's favorite shop too and nearly died at the thought of her knowing that we—I introduced Lisa as my girlfriend. Mrs. Lee would surely gush about it, seeing as Lisa was the first person I brought here other than my brother.

I groaned. Am I really that desperate to be hers?

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