Chapter 9

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Hey, sorry, Chapter 9 is a bit late. I had trouble removing the peel-off face mask on my face, haha. So here it is!


I froze in my seat when I heard her cold voice behind me. I heard her footsteps coming beside me. I looked at her and saw her with her tray of food. She put down her tray on our table a little louder than expected which made us look at her in shock.

"Move," she coldly said. We looked at her in confusion, not knowing who she's pertaining to. I looked at my companions who still didn't make a move out of shock. I rolled my eyes and scooted to my left near Rosé.

Rosé and Jisoo unnie recovered and looked at me, all of us shrugging our shoulders simultaneously.

"Hey, don't mind her," Jisoo unnie whispered to us while cupping her mouth toward us as she gestured to the blonde girl, Lisa, with her head. We just nodded at her and relaxed in our seats.

Lisa, huh? A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

I heard Jisoo unnie's sudden laugh that made Rosé and I look at her in confusion. I looked at Lisa to see her reaction and saw her looking at Jisoo with a glare but is that blush on her face? I thought as I examined her face that's covered with red tint.

I looked at Jisoo who laughed harder than before. Rosé beat me to it, "What is happening, Jisoo unnie? Did you overdose with chicken?" She asked as she rubbed Jisoo's back. "N-nothing, d-don't mind me," she answered, still laughing.

I chuckled at Rosé's second question. Lisa averted her glaring eyes at me that made me raise an eyebrow at her, what's her problem?

I saw her grit her teeth and averted her eyes to her food, picking on her kiwi slice.

"Hey, what are you laughing at, Jisoo?" I heard an unfamiliar voice in our front and saw a foreign face with his tray. He's wearing a black coat with a white t-shirt underneath and black pair of jeans. I can't see his shoes so that would do for now.

"N-nothing," Jisoo unnie answered as she wiped her tear-filled eyes.

"Guys, this is the guy I was talking about. He's Junhoe," Jisoo introduced him, gesturing with her hand, as Junhoe took a seat beside her. He waved at us with a smile and we smiled back with a nod.

"Hey, guys!" Hanbin said with a smile as he put down his tray and sat beside Junhoe, making us scoot to the right to give him space.

I didn't know I was now seated close to Lisa until my shoulder bumped into hers. I looked at her out of shock but I saw her already staring at me. I got lost into her beautiful brown orbs. We're only inches apart and I could smell her intoxicating scent. Vanilla with hints of lavender. I love it.

I saw another red tint on her face. She looked away from me, making me confused until I realized that I was staring at her longer than expected, making me blush and look down, wincing in embarrassment.

I looked up after I recovered and caught Jisoo's gaze with her eyebrows moving up and down at me. I glared at her as I felt blood rushing through face my again.

I looked around us in the cafeteria and saw a few people still here but I can't help but notice them glancing our way every now and then. I looked around our table and saw why. The four new students sitting with us today were like gods and goddesses. I won't be confused if they were really staring at our table, specifically at them.

I looked at my watch and saw that we still have 15 more minutes before our first afternoon class. I felt movements from Lisa's seat and saw her standing up. My gaze followed her as she walked toward the double doors. I looked at my companions and saw them busy talking and laughing with one another.

I decided to fix my bag and shrug it on. "Guys, we only have ten minutes before our next class," I said as I stood up. They stood up after me and we walked out of the cafeteria.

I excused myself to the restroom and told them to go without me.

I reached the restroom and fixed my make up when I heard someone puking in one of the stalls. Teenagers these days, going through heights just to get pregnant.

I was about to put some mascara when one of the stalls opened. We got startled when our eyes met in the mirror. I looked at her with my furrowed eyebrows because the familiar pained expression with a bit of anger masked her face again when she saw me. I realized that she's the one puking earlier so I asked her, "Are you okay?"

She glared at me as she washed her hands and mouth.

"It's none of your business," I heard her reply with her venomous voice.

I was shocked by the amount of venom she put in that reply.

She walked out of the restroom, leaving me questioning myself,

What did I do wrong to make her treat me like that?

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