Chapter 93

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HAPPY JENLISA DAY EVERYONE! I wish I could see JenLisa travel together in the future. It would be a great memory for the both of them!



I pouted when I saw the time. The hell! It was still so early!

I didn't know it was still 6:45 in the morning! Never in my life have I ever woken up at this time in a free day and I already had breakfast at that. It means that I probably woke up at six.

I was pouting for another reason too. I was looking at Jennie who broke my goal today. She stood up! So her waist broke free from my grasp and she was now laughing at me in her mind as her eyes stared at me in pure amusement.

"Jennie~~! You should not get away from my grasp!" I whined as I kicked on the bed sheets and pouted. She was standing with her hands on the breakfast tray. "And it's still early to get out of bed!" I added as I pleaded for her to get back to bed and cuddle with me.

She glared at me, "I'm planning to make the most out of the day today so you need to get up your ass so we can roll through this date," she commanded lightly but still made me cower under her stare.

My shoulders slouched as I concluded that I have no power to go against her. I'm too much in love with her to deviate, "okay," I surrendered, my voice reverberating a tone of defeat.

A small smile graced her lips as she shook her head at my childishness. She leaned in and pecked my forehead and smiled at me, "good, now take a bath so we could start," she said while I nodded.

"Feel free to rummage through my closet for clothes. I'm just going to bring this downstairs and warn Teahyung to not disturb us," she said while walking away from me and toward the door.

I slowly got up from her bed and did what she said. I picked a white 1975 band T-shirt and a pair of black shorts that ended a little above mid-thigh.

I proceeded toward the bathroom and showered. After 45 minutes, I'm done in the bathroom. I got out, seeing Jennie just getting out of her closet with clothes in hand.

She stopped in her tracks while I dried my hair with a towel. "Oh, hey beautiful," she playfully greeted while her eyes unabashedly checked me out with a smirk on her lips. It caused me to giggle with her flirting and hit her with the towel lightly. We laughed while she dodged my throws and made a run for the bathroom, "see you later, beaut!"

I shook my head with a smile at her silliness and went back to drying my hair.

I actually didn't know what we would do today. She was really going up for a revenge on me, huh? I observed that I haven't heard most of her thoughts nowadays. It seemed weird for me because it was as if she was blocking it but how would she, right?

I sat down at the edge of the bed and reached for my phone. I sent a message to Namjoon that I would probably return home tomorrow because god knows how long of a day did Jennie plan for this date. I smiled unconsciously. I could hear her humming to some songs she put on while showering and how I loved her soft voice.

I lay down and closed my eyes, focusing on her humming. I wish I could experience this every day. Just being here, with her within my reach so I could relax and appreciate little things without dealing with the outside world. She's my safe haven.

But I know it would be impossible if there were impending problems just right the corner waiting to destroy us but mostly her, so I would dedicate my all to not let that happen. I would make her my girlfriend and from then, little by little, I would tell her about my world.

Therefore, I would need to be careful about these things. I just wished that Jennie would still accept me despite our differences and my peculiarity.

I heard the shower turned off so I waited for her with my still closed eyes. My lips twitched up slightly at the sound of the door opening. Then her footsteps followed until the bed sunk slightly at my side. I opened my eyes just to be shocked at the proximity we're in.

Despite the amount of kisses, even if they could've been counted with two hands, it still wouldn't remove the rush I felt when we're this close. Add to it the view of her beautiful face that was framed by her slightly wet hair, combed to the side. Such a goddess, she is.

Her eyes were sparkling while I was just mesmerized by her beauty with my mouth slightly ajar. "Hey, beautiful," I said just above a whisper, throwing it back to her. I caught her biting her lip to suppress a smile, causing me to unconsciously lick my lips and my hands to travel on its own.

My hands locked on the collar of her cardigan, my eyes silently sending a message. She smiled then leaned down and the sweet taste of her lips made something inside me burst but it was gone as soon as it started.

"Let's go," she said cheekily and was standing now. "Jennie-ya!" I said with my hands on my hair, tugging on it in frustration, but she just laughed at me.

"Ya! I'm older than you!" She playfully spat and that shut me up. Oh, right. Twenty-one is my age here.

I smiled sheepishly while she looked at me suspiciously all of a sudden. "What?" I asked as I saw her eyes examine me but then she shook her head with a small smile. "Nothing. Let's go," she said then walked ahead of me.

I was confused about her actions. Her eyes were like they were forming thoughts but I couldn't detect any thoughts in her voice. Could it be that she was blocking it unconsciously?

What is she thinking, then? If she really was? Then something clicked at the back of my head that made me break into cold sweat.

My tongue didn't really slip when we were at the cafeteria, she was wrong when she asked me if I said anything at the parking lot and the confusion that was written on her face while we ate at the ice cream parlor. It was all adding up now and my hands were shaking as I followed her down the stairs.

She could hear my voice—

She could hear my voice in her head.

I knew I almost slipped again when she looked back at me and my heart pounded in chest. Does she know?

"Shit," I mumbled.

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