Chapter 2

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I'll bless you with one more chapter and then, I'm out. I want to reach a goal for each chapter and that goal is to get at least 10 views in each chapter then I'll update again. Don't worry, I prepared five chapters before I published the foreword so I have something in store. Alright! That's all. Enjoy!


"Oh come on!" I saw smoke coming from the front of my car on my way home so I pulled over the curb and slammed my hand on the steering wheel. Why now?

I'm excited to see Tae. I missed him so much but because of this damn car, I can't see him immediately. I wish I accepted Rosé's offer. That way I could go home early while happily eating my favorite ice cream.

I got out of the car and guess what? I'm the only one here! Which is odd because most of the days, there are always cars passing by this road.

I walked toward the front to see what's wrong with my car. I opened the cover and coughed because of the smoke. Aish!!

"It overheated, gosh!" I said as I cough while fanning the smoke away from my face.

Suddenly, I heard a sound that only motorcycles emit. I turned my head to the direction where it comes from and saw a black ducati coming this way. The rider was driving recklessly as if someone was chasing him and I found it intriguing that he's coming from that road where no one as in no one has ever tried going through.

Maybe he was chased by the people guarding that area. We really don't know who owns that place or the people guarding it. It's a mysterious place but the people living here in this area didn't want to trespass anymore because the ones who tried never came back. Neither the neighborhood nor their families know if they're still alive or not.

The reason they tried trespassing that place was because that five-hectare land was mysteriously sold and even the realtors don't know who it was who bought that place.

The motorcycle was now slowing down and it surprised me that it was coming my way. I followed the vehicle with my gaze as it pulled over behind my car and my jaw dropped when I saw that it was really not a he. It's a she!

She was wearing a leather jacket, a white crop top, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pair of black combat boots. I can't see her face because she's still wearing her black helmet. Way to go monochromatic.

When she finally turned her engine off, just like in the movies, she removed her helmet and freed her blonde waves as she combed her hair with her fingers. You won't believe it guys but it happened in slow motion that I felt like I'm dreaming!

I still can't see her face because her hair was preventing me to but she flipped her hair, giving me a perfect view of a perfect face with perfect features. I know it was irritating to use the same word to describe her face but you can't really blame me if you were in my shoes. She's really beautiful! What more if I—Okay, Jennie. Stop!

I was still mesmerized by her presence and didn't notice her putting her helmet down on her vehicle and walking toward me. Omo! Here comes the slow motion again! What's happening to me?!

"Hey, you need help, miss?" Her voice was really hypnotizing but I still find it cute in some way.

"I—uhm...ahhh...." I stuttered. I mentally slapped myself to wake up from this trance.

She chuckled sexily that made me look at her red plumped lips and please help me guys. It's tempting!

"Hey, miss?" She said as she waved her hand in front of my face and thankfully, her brown orbs woke me up.

"I—uhmm. Sorry," I scratched my nape. Aish! This is not me!

"Yes, I think my car just overheated," I said as I gestured to my car's engine which was still emitting smoke.

"Oh, I see. It's easy. Don't worry," she said and smiled at me as she walked toward my car's engine in front of me, examining it.

"Gotcha!" She happily said and walked toward me. "Do you happen to have water with you?" She asked.

"Oh, yes," I replied as I walked toward the side of my car to reach for my water bottle inside the glove compartment.

"Is this enough?" I questioned as I showed her the water bottle.

"I hope," she said and was about to reach for it when a sudden harsh wind hit us, making my hair to fly everywhere as well as hers.

I can't believe my eyes because it happened so fast, my heart was beating so rapidly.

I—what just—whoa!

She was no longer in front of me and when I turned around to face her ride, she was there. She was freaking there!

I stared at her in disbelief and confusion. How did that happen?! How did she go there so fast, my eyes didn't even see her walking toward it?!

She was moving so fast. I could see her hands shaking as she held on to her helmet. She looked at me and she looked like she's in pain with her face scrunched and her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm s-sorry. I-I forgot s-someone was c-chasing me earlier," even her voice sounded like she's in pain and strained, it's really confusing me. She turned her engine on and drove away from me faster than ever. She didn't even look back.

What the hell?!

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