Chapter 24

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Guys! I love you so much for the support you're giving this book of mine! It has 2.3k views already. I'm so happy! Please support this until its end. I love you guys! Tomorrow's second update will be the start of Lisa's POV and you will know what Lisa's thoughts were as she interact with Jennie! Wait for it! Thank you and here's the first update today!


We reached our destination in less than 15 minutes and got off our ride. We removed our helmets and went inside the shop to see my car. I saw someone wearing a blue jumper stooping at the side of my car.

We went to his direction and Lisa tapped his shoulder. He looked up and immediately stood up, bowing his head a 90˚ but was stopped by Lisa because the space is not enough. I stared confusedly at his actions and looked at Lisa next. She just smiled uncomfortably at me and looked at her friend, secretly glaring when she thought I'm not looking.

"Is it done?" She asked her 'friend.'

"Y-yes, you—Lisa," I heard him say as I looked at my black 2016 Camaro.

"I also fixed a minor problem with the engine," he added as he faced the car. I nodded and looked at him, "thank you. How much is the service?" I asked with a kind smile.

"Oh. It's okay. It's free if you're Lisa's friend," he smiled at me but I couldn't accept it. "No, I'll pay. I don't take advantage of my friends," I said with a slight bow, still with a kind smile.

I saw him look at Lisa and Lisa nodded with a smile, "okay, if you insist, Miss...?" He asked for my name, "Jennie," I answered. "I'm Daesung," he said with a smile and a slight bow, "It will be 250,000 won."

"Alright. Where will I pay, Mr. Daesung?" I asked. "There at the cashier and just call me Daesung, please," he smiled at me and pointed at a desk where a woman about our age or more was seated at.

"Okay, thanks Daesung," I said with a smile. Lisa and I walked to the cashier, "hey, Miss," I greeted her to make her look up from her paper works but when she looked up, my eyes almost bulged out when I saw her face.



We looked at each other in surprise and my eyes felt teary. I saw her ran her way out of the desk space and to me. She hugged me tight and I returned it with the same tightness.

We pulled away and wiped our tears simultaneously. "How are you? What are you doing here? Why are you working?" I bombarded her with questions after and she laughed at me.

"I'm okay, don't worry. I'm working here. I need to save for college," she answered my questions. I nodded and was about to ask her more when a heard a woman's voice, "what's this all about?"

I looked behind Nayeon and was again surprised to see a familiar face. "Jeongyeon! Come here!" Nayeon gestured for her to come closer. I looked at the two of them confusedly because I don't think they would be this close after what happened two years ago.

"Whaaa...?" I asked in confusion as my eyes looked at them.

Nayeon laughed at my reaction. "Ya! You're the reason why we met!" She said as if it was obvious.

"Ahh. Duh," I said still confused, "but whaaa...what happened? Why are you—" I was really confused. They should be pulling each other's hair off when they see each other but why am I seeing Nayeon looking at her lovingly with her arm draped around Jeongyeon's shoulders?

"Jeongyeon, meet Jennie," Nayeon said as she gestured at me. I saw Jeongyeon's eyes almost bulged out in surprise. "Jennie?!" Jeongyeon reacted, looking at Nayeon, receiving nods from her, "yeah."

"Oh! Jennie! Thank you so much!" Jeongyeon ran to me, giving me a hug just like what Nayeon did earlier. I stared confusedly at Nayeon as I tapped Jeongyeon's back but Nayeon just blushed.

"Ya! Jeongyeon, you're taking so long!" Nayeon said. Is that jealousy?

"Sorry, sorry," Jeongyeon said and pulled away from me and walked toward Nayeon again.

"Explain," I demanded and looked at her, waiting for the explanation. She scratched her nape in embarrassment.

I heard someone fake a cough from behind me and I almost forgot about Lisa. I bit my lip and looked at her behind me. "Sorry," I smiled at her sheepishly.

I pulled her beside me and introduced her, "guys, this is Lisa," I said but what surprised me was how their eyes grew wide in surprise and immediately bowed just like how Daesung reacted earlier. I also saw Lisa trying to stop them secretly with her hands but it was too late.

"Good afternoon, y-you—" They saw Lisa's warning and was cut off. This is making me confused.

"Okay...? Well, now explain," I said. I'll just ask Lisa later.

"Uhm. Well, after you blurt out about Chanyeol's cheating secret out of anger, I went to spy on him and you're right," she started.

I'm always right.

I heard Lisa stifle a laugh beside me which made me look at her in confusion but she's just listening to Nayeon.

"I saw them at a restaurant and talking sweetly to each other. So when I saw her walking to the restroom, I secretly followed her and confronted her there. She actually didn't know about his cheating so we teamed up. It was actually pretty funny," she laughed as she reminisced.

"We decided that Nayeon will be the one sitting in front of him and I will be behind him. I poured the iced tea on his head and Nayeon threw my pasta on his shirt. He really got surprised about what happened that he couldn't react as we walked out the restaurant, laughing," Jeongyeon continued.

"We became friends after that and now, lovers," Nayeon said as they looked at each other lovingly while Jeongyeon pinched her both cheeks, smiling cheekily.

They are about to kiss when I coughed, catching their attention and blushed. I shook my head at them and smiled, "so I'm the reason you two met. You should treat me some time. I want something in return," I teased and they laughed.

"Alright, yeah. Let's bond one of these days," Nayeon said while nodding.

I hugged her again. "I missed you and I'm happy for you," I said with a smile.

We pulled away, "yeah, me too!"

"So, what's with you and Lisa?" She asked while wiggling her eyebrows teasingly at me.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, "w-why? We're friends," I said as if it's obvious.

"Oh. I thought she's your girlfriend," she whispered with a teasing smile and it made my eyes grow wide in surprise and blushed but what made it intensify was the murmur I heard from Lisa;


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