Chapter 11

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Here's the second one, guys! I'm hyped these days! I can't wait for Blackpink's mini album!!!


I was doing my homework and my phone rang. I reached for my phone without looking while my eyes were scanning through my answers. I looked at the caller ID when I finally reached for it and smiled as Taehyung's name registered.

I quickly answered the call, "heeyy! How's Bali?" I asked in excitement.

"It's so beautiful here! I wish you were here. I missed you already," I can imagine his pout while saying the last part.

I laughed, "Yeah, me too but school sucks," I replied.

He sighed, "what are you doing now?" he asked.

"I was doing my homework," I said as I slouched in my seat.

"Oh, did I disturb you?" He asked with concern.

"No. You're not a disturbance, you know that," I smiled fondly while saying it even though he can't see me. I really love him so much.

He chuckled softly, "so any news?"

"Oh, yeah. I actually have one!" I said with a smile.

"Oh. That's new," he amusedly said.

"Ya!" I said and he laughed, "so what is it?"

"I met the new students today," I started.

"Okay? So what?" I heard him ask with a bored tone.

"They were actually our classmates. There are four of them, the three are our classmates and the other one is a Literature student. There are two girls and two boys. The literature student was a boy," I continued.

"Oh really?...then what?" He asked, still bored.

"I made friends with them," I said and I know that it will earn an exaggerated response in 3, 2, 1...

"OH REALLY?! OH MY GOSH! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! MY LIL SISTER IS GROWING UP!!" He exclaimed just as expected. I face palmed myself with embarrassment while shaking my head. I felt like my eardrums just exploded!

"Ya! Don't shout! You're hurting my ears!" I complained.

"Then what? Then what?" Now he's asking very excitedly, ignoring my complaints.

I rolled my eyes, "they are really gorgeous like they are some kind of gods and goddesses but they are actually fun to be with and Jisoo unnie is very funny with her childishness," I rambled.

"I really wanna meet them! I can't wait to go home!" I heard him say giddily.

"Yeah, you should! But one of them really gets on my nerves," I said with irritation when I remembered what happened in the restroom.

"Who?" He asked with curiousity.

"Remember when my car acted up the day you arrived?" I started.

"Yeah. What about that?" He asked in confusion.

"There was actually someone who offered help to fix it but she upped and left me there without even doing it," I continued.


"I don't know. She said that someone was chasing her," I answered.

"Maybe she was really being chased," he reasoned.

"But I didn't see anyone coming after her," I said in frustration.

"Okay, okay...but what does it have to do with the one who gets on your nerves?" He finally asked.

"She's that person," I said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Woaaahh! Is this destiny or just a mere coincidence?" He said like some host in a TV show.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in irritation with a hint of amusement because of his tone.

"Well, let's just see the story unfold in front of our eyes," he continued with the narrator tone which made me laugh.

"Is she beautiful though?" He finally asked in his normal curious tone.

"Yeah, she is! She's like, the most beautiful girl among the two girls, maybe even in the whole school, or may—" I unconsciously said in a ramble.

"Okay, okay, Jennie, stop! You're rambling!" He said in a teasing voice and laughed in the end.

"Ya! Ya! I am not! What the hell!" I denied but he keeps on laughing on the other line.

He was still laughing when a sound made my heart skip a beat in fear. I heard a sound coming from my balcony that sounded like someone jumping from the second floor to the first floor.

I dropped the phone on the table in fear but hurriedly put it in my ear again with trembling hands.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked in concern.

"N-nothing. I-I'll call you back later," I said and ended the call as I stood up from my chair hastily, running to the balcony door after moving the curtains away.

I opened the door with haste and walked outside, hopefully seeing the culprit even though my heart was about to vacate its place.

I got a hold of the railing as I roamed my eyes around in the darkness hurriedly and there, at the top of the high wall, I could see a silhouette of someone's back and in the blink of an eye, it was gone.

I held my rapidly beating chest, trying to catch my breath.

Fuck, I need a new room.

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