Chapter 10

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Hey you guys!Do you what I did today? I stared into space just to think of scenes for this story. Now, I will have to think on how to connect those scenarios which is hard. Alright, enough of that. Here's the update!


As I walked to my class, anger was surging through me. I just asked her if she was okay but she treated me like that in return of my concern?!

Okay, if she'll treat me like this then I'll also treat her indifferently!!

People were looking at me as I walked past them in the hallway. I clenched my fists as I thought, Aish! I'm late and it's because of her! Aish!! I hate her!

When I reached the room, I hastily walked toward my seat, not minding if the professor was in front of the class talking as I was totally pissed.

I sat and massaged my temples with my forefinger and thumb. I could feel eyes on me but I ignored them all. I looked up to see them still staring so I raised one of my eyebrow, making them look away. The professor just looked at me, shaking her head and continued the class.

I still felt someone gazing at me but I ignored it coz I know who it was. Fuck her.

"Pfft." I looked to my left and saw her controlling her laughter. All eyes were on her. Gosh, even her laugh is so irritating!!

"Is there a problem, Ms. Manoban?" Ms. Dara asked when she heard her.

"Nothing, Ms. Dara. Please continue," she said with respect.

Manoban? Strange surname.

I looked at her and saw her looking at me but I pulled away, still angry at her.


My last class finally ended so I quickly fixed my things into my bag. I have to go to my locker to get some books for today's worth of assignments. I'm really getting tired of school.

"Rosé, I'll be at my locker," I said to Chaeng before waving at Jisoo beside her.

I have successfully walked out of the room and made my way to my locker. It was located on the first floor of this building. Our course's building looks old with its brick walls, well; it's really one of the old buildings here so yeah. I love it though coz it gives this weird relaxing feeling to me.

I reached my locker thinking, I'll be miserable for the rest of the semester because I have her in all of my classes but I'll try to make it bearable by ignoring her. Right.

I got my books out and went straight to the lounge to swipe my ID.

"Jennie! Are you going already?" Jisoo said behind me. I turned around to see her and Chaeng swiping their ID's on the machine.

"Yeah. I've got works to do," I smiled sadly at her, showing the books in my arms.

She pouted, "But I want to hang out with you~" she cutely said that made me smile while shaking my head.

"Don't worry. If we don't have anything to do tomorrow, we'll hang out," I said with a smile and unexpectedly hugged her. I got surprised when I felt her cold cheek and pulled away quickly.

She got that surprised look on her face. I looked at her with concern, "hey, are you okay? Your cheeks are cold," I said to her.

"Y-yeah. M-maybe it's because of the cold, he he," she unsurely said. Acceptable.

I saw her sigh in relief which made me furrow my eyebrows, "Is your sweater thin? You should wear thick clothes. The weather is unpredictable, you know?" I said and she replied with, "okay, I'll do that," and smiled.

I averted my eyes to Rosé, "you too! You're wearing a cropped top hoodie!" I scolded her which made her scratch her nape.

I moved to give her a hug and she hugged me back. When we pulled away, I cocked my head to the left in confusion. I said my goodbye to them and walked away with a smile which they returned.

I couldn't help but think:

Even though Rosé wore a cropped top hoodie, her cheeks were still warm while Jisoo unnie's—where are you getting at Jennie?! Stop thinking nonsense. There's no such thing as supernatural. You're just imagining things.

"Maybe, they are just different in their resistance to cold weather," I whispered to myself as I walked to my car. I nodded to my reasoning.

I unlocked my car and opened the driver's side. I threw my things to the shotgun seat and turned the engine on. I pulled away from the parking and went my way out of the parking lot. I accidentally looked in the rearview mirror and made eye contact with none other than Lisa who was watching me go away. I was startled and I unconsciously shivered.

Gosh, she's scary.

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