Chapter 76

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Hey guys! I heard Lisa will be on Real Men! Oh my gosh, imagine her in a military outfit! Everybody in that show would swoon even their cold instructor! I can't wait to watch it but I'm also worried about her. It seemed like a serious show with different drills military does but I wish her luck and always be careful while shooting. She might hurt herself and that's what I'm afraid of. I don't want any of the girls hurt and Jennie is still recovering from her fall.

I also heard that there were beautiful guests that will be with her there, hahaha. Player Lisa might show herself and Jennie will be fuming mad waiting for her, HAHAHA. Just my imagination, ignore me.

Also, be mad...if I told you thatIdreamedofkissingJennie'sneckwhileIwasLisa asfjkhgshkdfj?! I'm so sorry! I think the stress of going to college is catching up on me, hehe.

I couldn't stop thinking about how Jisoo looked like a freaking goddess in her solo performance and it's literally on loop because I can't get enough of her beautiful voice.

I couldn't stop thinking about how Jisoo looked like a freaking goddess in her solo performance and it's literally on loop because I can't get enough of her beautiful voice

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I'm on my way to Jennie now. I texted her that I'll fetch her again to take her to school. Yesterday ended nicely. After the movie, we decided to call it a night and went home. I have to hide my keys from Jungkook so he could not take my Ducati last night.

He wanted to drive it himself but I wouldn't let him touch my things and we ended up bickering in front of the other twins. I won though and just let him hop on my back so we could already go but he left his things at Jennie's house because we couldn't carry it in my bike. For all I know, he just wanted to visit Taehyung again. Sneaky.

I left my room, ready to start the day with banging on my friends' doors to wake them up and went down the stairs. I went straight to the kitchen and saw Namjoon leaning on the counter while drinking his coffee.

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