Chapter 19

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Waaahhhh~ huhu~ I'm so broke because it's summer, whhhyyyy?!

Guys, just a heads-up, I'll not be able to update tomorrow because I'll be on a trip with my bro's and sisters in our Christian ministry! Yay! I'm sorry guys!

Oh, and one more thing, I'm thinking of doing Lisa's POV one of these days to clear some things in the story so you guys won't get confused about this and that, so yeah. Enjoy this update while it last ;)

I cried while I'm encoding this update. My poor baby Jennie~ I'm sorry~ I love you so much! But I have to do this for the story. I'm sorry babe~ Muahh!

Oooopps~ Sorry guys for unpublishing this chapter a while ago. It was actually chapter 20, hahaha! But I got it fixed. SO here's the real Chapter 19!


I guided her to our neighborhood and told her to stop in front our house. I got off her vehicle and got my helmet off. She also got off her ride and opened her compartment and true enough, she got all my things inside. How it fit her compartment? I didn't know.

She got them out and gave it to me. "Hey, thanks for tonight," I said with a smile.

"It's nothing," she said and returned the smile, "so, I'll just fetch you tomorrow?" She smiled sheepishly. She looks really cute when she does that.

She suddenly had a pink tinge on her cheeks, making me worry. "Hey, are you sick?" I asked as I move toward her.

"I-it's nothing. So, I'll just fetch you tomorrow?" She repeated the question.

"Is it okay? Am I not troubling you?" I asked in concern.

"Y-yeah. It's okay. I'll also accompany you to your car anyways, so yeah," she said, scratching her nape, making me confused at her sudden change of attitude.

"Thank you. Do you wanna come in? Have something before going...?" I offered to somehow payback some of her kindness today.

"Uhm. No thanks. I'll let you be. Jisoo and the others might be worried by now," she smiled, waving her hands at me, gesturing no.

"You all live together?" I asked in curiosity, feeling something in my gut.

"Yeah. Jisoo is a sleepyhead so she can't wake up early. That's why she forced me to accept her at my place. The others are just broke," she laughed at her friend's behavior which made me laugh too because her friends are so funny.

I tried to give her the helmet I used, "here," I said but she shook her head. "Keep that for tonight. You'll use it again tomorrow," she replied with a smile.

"Okay. Be safe," I said with a smile, waving at her. She smiled and nodded as she wore her helmet again, hopping on her ride.

She turned to me, "I'll see you tomorrow," and said with a wave, driving off. I followed her with my gaze until she was out of sight and opened the gate to the house. I unlocked the front door and went straight to my room, jumping onto my bed.

I rolled around my bed, not knowing why I was so happy. "Gaaaahhh, Jennie! Why are you like this? Are you going crazy, hmm?" I talked to myself, feeling my cheeks burn for an unknown reason as my heart beat fast. I must be going crazy.

I felt tired from rolling on my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep with unchanged clothes.

I felt pain around my body. I tried moving my hands but found them tightly bound behind my back. I was sitting on a chair, feeling dizzy, as I tried untying it but to no avail.

I slowly opened my eyes and roamed it around the room. I was in a dirty room filled with broken cabinets and chairs. There were also dried leaves and a ceiling where water drip down. I looked at my clothes and saw them ragged and dirty with blood. Tears filled my eyes as I remembered what happened before I was held here.

We were ambushed by unknown people. We were in our car after a day in an amusement park, singing an old song, when we were stopped by a black van that blocked our way. Soon came the men wearing black outfits with black bonnets which covered their faces.

"Lock you windows, kids," Dad said in his unusual scared voice as he held my Mom's hand. Taehyung and I did as he said and waited in fear as the men surrounded our vehicle, trying to look past the tinted windows.

When they couldn't, they tried to knock on the windows with force that made my heart beat fast in fear but Taehyung held my tight, stopping it from shaking. My Mom was now crying while Dad was trying to comfort her. "Shhh. We'll get through this, okay? We're here together, we can do this," he cooed but I know they're all lies. I can see it in his eyes. That hopelessness that made me cry silently.

This day is supposed to be a happy day after our parent's went away after a 2-week business trip but it went downhill so fast in front of our eyes and now, we are in the verge of death.

The men became more aggressive as they were now trying to break the window with their guns. They broke our Dad's window first and the shards of glass wounded my father's face. All of the other windows came next but we're thankful that Taehyung and I were away from the window, saving us from the shards.

But my received a punch on the face making me cover my mouth as I cried hard silently while my Mom was begging the one on her side to let her children be as she cried while blood were slowly dripping from her arms.

I looked at Taehyung, seeing him crying but he just looked at me with sad eyes as he wiped my tears away, "sshhhh, we'll be alright. We'll get through this. Help will come," he repeated father's words as he tightened his grip on my hand.

My father was held by the collar. "Unlock the doors or your children will die," the man said to my father as I felt a gun pointed at my temple.

"NO!!" My mother screamed, "please, let them live. Take us instead, let them live," she cried as she looked at the man on my father's side.

"No can do, Ma'am. We are tasked to bring all four of you," he said with an evil smirk.

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