Chapter 113

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Hey, guys! This is the promised long update. This is supposed to be a long, long update but I had to cut it shorter than intended so I could catch some sleep, hehe. Anyway, enjoy and don't forget to stream! I love you guys!

note: I changed Seungri's name into Leeteuk.



I woke up to the smell of peach as I felt soft fingers tracing on my nose. I let out a sigh of contentment as my eyes slowly opened to reveal a magnificent view of a smiling Jennie. She was absolutely absorbed on tracing my facial structures that she didn't notice me waking up. She bit her lip as her eyes follow her fingers as they trace on my lips, her thumb lingering a bit as she stretched it downward lightly.

Her breathing became a little heavy as she nibbled on her bottom lip, her eyes solely focused on my lips. I tried my best not to smile as she fought with herself whether to kiss me or not. She eventually gave in and leaned forward to capture my lips for a kiss but a single look in my eyes, she squealed in surprise at being caught, her cheeks burning in embarrassment.

I burst out in laughter as I trapped her in my arms while she slapped me on my chest, mumbling things in embarrassment. "What? Continue what you're doing, "I teased as I laughed. "Oh my god. That's so embarrassing! Why didn't you say anything when you're already awake? " She hid her face in her hands as she shook her head while whining like a kid. I chuckled, "I love seeing you think whether to kiss me or not and you've already decided. Now, c'mon, I need my morning kiss, "I replied and pouted, waiting for her.

She slid her hands down to free half of her face while she giggled like a kid. Then, she lay down on the bed, half of her body on top of me as her right leg tangled with mine. She propped herself with her left arm as her right hand faced me toward her. "Good morning," she greeted with a shy smile before capturing my lips in a short soft kiss, the type that could be described as a light brush that lingers but as full as a passionate one, awakening my senses and wanting for more.

She broke off the kiss and snickered as I glared at her. "Oh my god. That's just a second! " I complained as I tightened my hold on her waist when she tried to get away from me. "Are you kidding me? That's almost a minute! " She retorted as she wriggled herself from my clasp. "Not in my sense of time," I responded as I tried to roll us over to trap her but she shot her index finger on my side, making me yelp in surprise. "Oh no, you don't."

I successfully rolled us over so I'm on top of her as she shrieked in surprise. I pouted, "I want a kiss, kiss," I requested in a cute way but she just chuckled and flicked my forehead. My pout deepened as I rubbed on the spot, "you haven't even brushed your teeth yet," she pulled a playful disgusted face as she said it. I scoffed in disbelief, "that didn't stop you from kissing me for a whole minute," I raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

"And you admit that it's a minute," she pointed out with a smirk of her own. "Now, c'mon, I want to get my hands on those books," she continued with an excited expression on her face as she tapped on my shoulder to let me off. I sighed in defeat as I slumped on the bed next to her. She chuckled and faced me, tapping on my nose, "let's get ready and you'll never know, I might reward you with one." She winked as she threw her bait.

I nodded, uninterested, as she got up from the bed to get to the closet; her steps had a jump to it like a kid planning to have a day at the playground. I rolled my eyes and slowly got up, glancing at my alarm clock.

"What the fuck, Jennie! It's still 5 in the morning! " I yelled at her and I could hear the loud clap of her laughter in the other room. I willed my body to drop on the bed, not seeming to get my mind to function at this hour. She probably knew I wouldn't get up as she ran toward me and jumped on the bed next to me that I had to lift my arms to protect myself.

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