Chapter 62

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Are you binge watching BlackPink House like what I'm doing? This drought is killing me!

Saw this on twitter tho. Credits go to the rightful owner.

 Credits go to the rightful owner

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A high-class family:

A high-class family:

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Here's the update!



I tried escaping from her grip but she wouldn't budge.

"Jennie. It will be fun," she insisted as she took long strides almost making me trip on my feet. I groaned because I couldn't really fight her. Once we stopped at the end of the line, I caught her eyes with a glare, "if I puke on you, don't ever put the blame on me," I said darkly, making her gulp and smile uneasily.

She composed herself with a smile, "don't worry, I'll hold your hand till the end," she said and had the nerve to wink at me.

I hit her on the shoulder repeatedly, "don't throw your disgusting wink at me!" It makes my heart beat fast!

I heard her laugh with a tinge of pink in her cheeks, "ya! It hurts! Stop!" She whined as she tried to block my attacks.

I crossed my arms and stopped hitting her, averting my eyes in front as I watch the line move slowly. My eyes dart upward at the fast-moving cart as I gulp. My stomach is churning at the thought of being thrown in the air for several turns on end, acid starting to move up.

I was startled by a hand on the small of my back, my head turning toward Lisa's direction, "don't worry. I'll be there for you. I just want you to experience new things," she smiled softly as she looked at me and my stomach and mind finally calmed down with a sigh.

I nodded at her and waited silently in line. She didn't remove her hand on my back but casually snaked it around my waist sideways, making me freeze momentarily before stepping forward. Once our turn arrived, we sat next to each other and she didn't break her promise of holding my shaking hand.

She looked at me with a comforting smile, "I'll be here, okay? Puke all you want," she joked in the end, causing a laugh to break through me, releasing some nerves.

Just like everybody in the moving cart, I screamed with every turn we did. I caught a glimpse of Lisa on my left and her expression made me laugh. She had that terrorized look on her face as the cart came to a halt.

The others were quick to release their belts and move while we stayed there as I laughed at her priceless expression. "Are you saying all those comforting words to yourself all along?" I said between laughs. Her grip on my hand was still tight as she looked at me and released a long sigh, "that—that was..." she managed to say in her shocked state.

I shook my head at her in a teasing way and helped her remove the seatbelt as I know she wouldn't have the strength to. My first time in a coaster was really fun and that horrified look on Lisa's face was just a bonus.

I helped her on her feet because it seemed like her knees weakened from the shock. I sat her in one of the benches nearby to let her recover because I was getting tired of guiding her.

I watched her calming her breathing, "you okay now?" I asked her with concern but with a little teasing. She just nodded silently as her cheeks colored red out of embarrassment. I chuckled at her and pinched her cold cheek, "you're so cute!"

She playfully glared at me and slapped my hand lightly with a pout, "I didn't know that would be intense," she whined and shake in her seat like a kid. I chuckled softly at her childish behavior and pat her head. "I enjoyed it, thanks to you," I said and smiled at her which caused her to smile back with happiness.

She jumped on her feet as if she regained all her drained energy and looked at me, "what's next?" she asked excitedly and I couldn't help but admire her beauty with a wide smile.

I stood up and caught her by surprise when I wrapped my arm on hers and looked at her with my gummy smile. "Let's just stroll around for a bit," I suggested which earned a simple nod and a soft smile then we strolled around with arms clasped together.

In silence, we observed the crowded place. Our eyes were caught by a stall selling a variety of food. "I'm hungry!" She said and directed us toward it. We bought some fish cake bars, spicy rice cakes, and chicken skewers. I wondered about what the other pair might be doing. Did Chaeng confess already?

"Here try this," I placed the fish cake bar in front of her mouth, motioning for her to take a bite. Once she had bitten, it earned a moan from her, slightly making me feel uneasy and unusually hot. "It's so good!" She said, interrupting my thoughts, "ya! Don't talk with your mouth full!" I scolded her with a glare.

She just smiled innocently at me and munched on her food silently. We continued eating our snacks as we walked slowly, trying not to spill any precious food.

She walked nearby to throw our trash in the bin but when she was walking toward me again, her demeanor changed into a dark one. It made me confused as I don't know what I did wrong. I just stood here for god's sake.

When she was close to me now, she hastily removed her jacket with a frown etched on her face while I just stared at her not knowing what I did or what to do. "What is it?" I finally voiced out my concern.

She looked at me with a glare, "can you stop being so gorgeous for once? It's irritating me," she grumbled while wrapping her jacket on my waist, her body undeniably closer now, that I can clearly see the irritation on her eyes, "and this dress isn't helping at all," she added in annoyance.

I should feel irritated, annoyed, or angry at what she uttered but I wasn't. From how my heart was racing with excitement, my cheeks blushing and my stomach's churning in a good way, I know my mind took it as a compliment. Look how weird my heart and mind acts around her.

She could tell me I'm ugly and my mind would think otherwise. Silly me.

She finished tying her jacket around me while I was just frozen in my stand. I looked up at her to see her still irritated face but it was not directed at me. I felt her grip on the knot tightened so I followed where she was looking at and I can totally see why her demeanor changed as my mouth formed an 'o.'

There, at one of the tables in front of a stall, is a group of boys looking at our direction with a visible smirk. "Those cocky bastards," she hissed under her breath.

As I observed her up close, I couldn't help but smile at her stance while I cocked my head to the side. She looks hot even with that frown on her lips but I would prefer her smiling face any time. She basically has her hands on my waist so the blush on my face still won't go away.

"Are you jealous?" I teased her while I moved my fingers to draw a smile on her sexy lips. That caught her attention as she looked at me and now I was cupping her cheeks. My knees became weak as I realized that we were only inches apart now.

I saw her cheeks flush at being caught but denied, "n-no? Why w-would I?" She stuttered as her grip on my waist tightened as she looked me in the eyes, pulling us closer. I felt a new set of heat wash over my cheeks but I pretended to be unaffected and teased her with a smile, "you don't have to be. I'm your girlfriend, remember?" I was basically throwing myself to her. Jennie! Stop being pathetic!

I saw her eyes darken with an unreadable emotion.

"Yes, you are and you're mine. Only mine."

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