Chapter 70

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Hey guys! Any news?

I kinda rushed today's update. Actually, I just finished it, hahaha. I was not feeling well earlier this day so I couldn't really form coherent statements and the gloomy and rainy atmosphere isn't helping at all. I hope this will do for now. I'm sorry if I didn't reach your expectation for today.

I promise to be back at it full force soon.

I promise to be back at it full force soon

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When I arrived at the mansion, I hopped happily inside and caught Jisoo's eyes. We squealed happily running toward each other and jumping with our hands clasped. We had big excited smiles in our faces, couldn't contain the happiness.

"I asked Jennie on a date!"

"Rosé said she likes me!"

We exclaimed in unison and squealed again then laughed while hopping. We heard the boys' laughter so we turned our heads to them, standing up from the couch.

"You two are so whipped!" We blushed at Junhoe's teasing, stopping us from hopping again. We glared at them simultaneously, "you're just envious of us," I rolled my eyes at them and looked at Jisoo while smiling, "ignore them. Tell me what happened," I queried excitedly, making her blush slightly.

I dragged her toward the living room but got interrupted by the sound of footsteps marching and coming from outside. I looked at my companions in confusion and turned my head to the main door. I readied my stance in case they're intruders but the sight in front of me made me want to laugh.

In front of me were my groups of friends. They were the ones I was waiting for over 2 weeks and here they were acting like dorks, marching like an army. Namjoon was in front leading them and shouted, "are we all in?"



I chuckled at their antics. Behind Namjoon were eight more boys divided in two lines. Yoongi, Seokjin, Hoseok, and Jiwon were in one while Chanwoo, Yunhyeong, Jinhwan, and Donghyuk were in the other.

Yunhyeong looked like he was just forced to join because of his frown while the others were smiling idiotically, clearly enjoying their gimmick. Namjoon roamed his eyes around and landed on me, "face left!" He ordered and all of them faced us. Their expressions turned into fake seriousness while we just chuckled at them in amusement.

"Ready, go!" Namjoon instructed and all of them bowed like knights, "Your highness," they said in respect simultaneously and stood straight after a few seconds of bowing. When I saw their faces, they were pulling off different facial expressions, making the four of us laugh.

They cheered in success and walked toward us, "how are you, Princess Lisa?" Namjoon teasingly asked, earning him a glare from me. I hate being called that.

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