Chapter 40

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I really don't know what to say right now, haha. Once again, Jenlisa breathed today! I'm so alive these past few days but busier I guess and this is all I could give you today. I'm sorry, hehe. Lisa's POV has come to end end, well not really. I'm still thinking about switching from Jennie's POV and Lisa's so you can understand the full story. I don't want to leave a detail unsaid. So yeah. I only have one update today 'cause Jennie's is still in the process of completion. Well, that's it. You should check out the girl's v live too. They posted! Yay!

 They posted! Yay!

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We fetched her car and chat before I went home. I even got to kiss her cheek and I felt like I was on cloud nine.

I arrived at the mansion, catching the attention of my friends who were sitting in the living room, watching TV.

"So how was the date?" Hanbin wriggled his eyebrows, smiling teasingly. All I can see in their faces are teasing smiles. I'm getting tired of it.

I just glared at them and proceeded to sit beside Jisoo unnie who was slouched on the sofa, resting my head on her shoulder. I feel like I've drained my energy because of so much excitement in a day and the day hasn't even ended yet.

"Why is your behavior sour earlier?" Jisoo asked curiously as she played a game on her phone. She's always playing games.

"Nothing," I said in a small voice, remembering the thinking I did today.

"Don't nothing me, you twat!" She whisper-yelled at me while still focused on her game. I sighed heavily which made her pause the game and look at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"So there's something, huh? What is it?" She demanded.

I had no choice but to voice out my problem even though it's solved already. Sue Jisoo unnie for being observant!

"It's just that earlier this morning. Jennie pushed my face away and you know..." I started while she nodded, telling me to continue.

"I realized that we're different and what if she find out and hate me?" I uttered in a saddened voice.

I felt her pat my shoulder comfortingly, "now, now, don't—" She interrupted by Junhoe, "then make her love you so that she can't hate you no matter what you do."

I almost jumped out of shock, "Ya! You're listening all along?!"

"Well, duh! Vampire hearing, ring any bell?" Hanbin sarcastically said, making me look at him, "you too?!" Aish!

They just grinned, "but oh well, I already know the answer to that problem. I just told unnie about it," I shrugged and looked at the time, "Oh, shoot! It's almost six!" I stood up immediately, making them pull away to make space for me.

"Ya! Ya! It's still early. She's just ten minutes away!" Jisoo called out.

"No. She said she'll take a nap. I might go blind anytime soon!" I said which made them stood up in alert, hastily going around the room for their stuff.

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