Chapter 41

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Guys! I just discovered that twitter is the home of Jenlisa, like, what the heck? I've always been chilling there more than on facebook and I was so oblivious! I missed a lot of jenlisa posts and probably couldn't rummage anymore, huhu.

Anyways, I'll be out for three days so I wouldn't be able to update but when I come back, let's see more into the story of Chaesoo even though it's just short but I'll take care of jenlisa's relationship first before diverting it to them and man! Jisoo will be so cool! I'm telling you, you'll call her Oppa XD! Hahaha!

By the way, can you tell me if there are eng subbed of their guesting on radio shows already? I couldn't find any, I'm getting frustrated.

Well, that's all. Here's your update.



After my outburst, I got off my bed and went to my walk-in closet to get some clothes. I picked a pair of gray sweats and proceeded to the bathroom to wash my face, changing my clothes after.

 I picked a pair of gray sweats and proceeded to the bathroom to wash my face, changing my clothes after

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(Is this a pair of sweats? Coz It doesn't look like it with Jennie, haha)

I snatched my notebook from my desk and went my way out of my room and down the stairs. I found them seated at the living room, seemingly talking about something seriously based on their expressions. I especially noticed Lisa's troubled and saddened eyes as she massaged her temple, Jisoo unnie coming closer to her to pat her back in a comforting manner. What happened?

I saw them look up simultaneously, noticing my presence and smiled widely though there's a hint of grief in their eyes. I stared at them confused as I reached them, sitting beside Lisa.

"Why do all of you look so down?" I asked in confusion as I stared at Lisa, asking her if she told them about the dream using my eyes. She discreetly shook her head, smiling a little and mouthing, 'you okay now?' while I nodded at her, feeling grateful.

"So, let's start?" Junhoe asked, clasping his hands together in question.

"Rosé's not here yet," unnie informed us and as if on cue, the doorbell rang.

I stood up to get the gate open. "Hey, unnie!" She sweetly greeted me with a hug which I returned, "hey, Chaeng."

We pulled away, "are they here already?" She asked and I nodded in response, "actually, you're the only one we're waiting for," I teased which made her smile sheepishly, "sorry, can pizza make you forgive me?" she asked in her cute voice, lifting two boxes of pepperoni pizza.

I stared at her in awe, "you got two?"

She scratched her nape, "I think one box isn't enough. I'm hungry," she smiled sweetly. I just shook my head at her and welcomed her inside.

When got inside the house and the others came into view, "I'm picking up on a smell," we heard Jisoo unnie sniffing around and when her eyes locked on us, she smiled excitedly, "pizza!!" She jumped from her seat and running like a kid toward Rosé.

We looked at her amusedly at her childish actions, "You're the best, Rosé! How did you know I was hungry? Waahhh~!" She told Chaeng, getting the boxes from her hands, looking at it lovingly. Rosé look stunned with a pink tinge on her cheeks looking at unnie with a shy smile, shaking her head slightly in amusement.

I cocked my head on the side, analyzing what's happening in front of me. I looked at the others on the sofa with a questioning face but they were also looking at them with a smirk. I shook my head and just left them standing there, making my way toward Lisa and sitting beside her.

She looked at me with a soft smile, resting her arm on the backrest behind me. I blushed unintentionally as I looked down, hiding my face from her with my hair but I could still feel her gaze on me.

We heard a slow clapping so we looked up to see Hanbin doing it, "Waaahh. Stop with the flirting couples, we have work to do," he teased making me blush more.

Junhoe just laughed while shaking his head. "Let them be, Han. Let's just start," he said, a smirk was clearly in his face. I felt movement from Lisa's side so I looked up at her, seeing her also blushing while scratching on her nape shyly.

A smile tugged at lips at her cute actions and suggested, "let's start?"

She looked up with a shy smile and nodded, biting her lip, making me unconsciously bite my lower lip too. I quickly looked away to avoid her eyes coz I know I'll blush harder if I looked straight to her captivating eyes.

She chuckled softly and moved to face my direction, her legs on the sofa and gesturing for me to do the same. I did as I was told and placed my notebook on my lap.

"Now, what?" I asked with a playful grin.

We heard a commotion on our left and saw Chaeng and Jisoo unnie behind them, "ya! No cheating! Go find another place!" Junhoe said as he slightly pushed Jisoo unnie who keeps on sitting behind him.

Rosé was just standing in front of them with her arms crossed, looking amused at her partner's behavior. Lisa just chuckled softly and saw her facing me in my peripheral vision. I looked at her and beamed, "let's get to work," which earned a nod in response.

We simultaneously leaned our shoulders on the backrest, looking for a comfortable position.

"What play do you want to do?" She asked in interest, looking at me.

I looked up, furrowing my brows and pursing my lips, my habit when thinking. There are a lot of plays that was famous at that time and Romeo and Juliet was so overrated now.

"I don't know. You have any idea? You said you know everything about 19th century?" I asked her, "Wait, I'll just get something to drink," I said and looked at our friends, "guys, what do you want to drink?"

They faced me, "Lemonade!" Rosé perked up while the others just said, "water should be good."

I nodded and stood up, "I'll help you," I heard Lisa said and stood up after me. I smiled at her and led the way to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and looked for the pitcher of lemonade and got it out. I also got a pitcher of water out and was startled by the bolts of electricity that ran through my body from the touch of none other than Lisa, "here, let me help you," she obliviously said as she reached for the pitcher.

I looked away, clenching my eyes shut as the shivers slowly dissipated.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked in concern.

"Y-yeah, I'll just get some glasses," I opened the cupboard and reached for the glasses which by the way, were hard to reach because they were at the upper part and worse, they are not on the opening but more inside.

I bit my lip as I tip-toed, my hands reaching out. I heard a stifled laugh from my right and footsteps. I felt her presence beside me, getting closer and closer. I looked at her and unexpectedly, she's now facing me sideways as she reached her right arm out to the glasses while I was still looking at her dumbfounded and damn! Her jawline could kill!

When she reached the glasses, she smirked in success. I was in a trance and I didn't know what I'm feeling right now. My heart was fluttering at our closeness and her neck looks delicious right now. Her side profile is really beautiful and sexy.

She stopped tip-toeing and looked at me, patting my head like I was a kid, making me blush but I just couldn't take my eyes off her. I was awestruck by her beauty.

She smiled cutely with her nose scrunching and her cold fingers pinched my cheek playfully, "you're so cute!" She said, leaving me here as she brought the tray of glasses and pitchers to the living room, walking hastily.

Okay...? What the heck just happened?

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