Chapter 21

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I haven't thanked you for the 1k views yet so thank you for the love and support!!! I promise to strive hard to update everyday to cheer all of your jenlisa hearts and I ask you to support our babies in full force and stream hard on June 15th!! Hwaiting!!

Now, here's the last update for today! Bl night!!


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, an unusual smile tugging at my lips as I sat up, stretching. I looked at my clothes and shook my head because of my lazy ass. What happened last night was like a dream. I didn't know I would talk to my stalker. Like why would a sane person do that?

It's because you're not as sane as you think.

I shook my head at my thoughts and moved out from the covers of my bed. I entered my walk–in closet and picked a black crop-top hoodie, a pair of black high-waisted ripped jeans matched with a pair of black low-cut converse.

I did my morning routine and went downstairs with my bag. I decided to make some pancakes because I still have enough time. I brought out the ingredients from the pantry and eggs from the fridge. I placed them on the kitchen counter and wen to find a bowl. I mixed the ingredients and prepared the pan.

While making the pancakes, the doorbell rang. "Oh, it's Lisa," I said as I turned off the stove and went to get it. I opened the door and went to the gate, looking through the peep hole just to make sure.

I unlocked the gate and greeted her, "hey, good morning," I said with a smile. She smiled cheekily at me in return which confused me, "good morning," she replied.

She's wearing a white long-sleeved button up shirt under her leather jacket; its front was tucked in her high-waisted pair of black jeans and matched her outfit with a low-cut converse.

"What's up with you today? You look odd," I asked her in confusion because she's not her usual self. She's oddly cheerful today.

She just smiled and replied, "nothing. You? You look odd too," she asked as she pointed at my smile. I just shook my head with a soft chuckle.

I invited her in, "I was just finishing the pancakes, do you want some?" I asked which made her eyes grow wide, "pancakes?! Of course! Who doesn't want pancakes?!" She rambled excitedly, looking like she was about to jump in happiness.

I shook my head at her unfamiliarly cute actions and just chuckled softly as I guided her inside.

When we reached the kitchen, I turned the stove on again and finished the remaining batter as she sat herself at the breakfast counter. I prepared two plates for us and passed her a plate with three pancakes. I saw how her eyes light up in happiness at the sight and unexpectedly did a happy dance.

I laughed at her, "Ya! You're really weird today," I said as I shook my head at her but she just smiled cheekily at me.

"I just had a really good night, that's all. How 'bout you?" She said as we ate beside each other.

I thought about last night and smiled unconsciously. "It was unusual but exhilarating," I looked at her with my gummy smile.

Last night...

"Ya! Are you laughing?!" I asked in irritation. I heard another two knocks which made me lift my legs up onto my bed.

"Ya! I said I won't open that door!" I said with a scowl even though he can't see it. I heard another two knocks which made me scowl more, "ya! Are you kidding me?!" I angrily asked but I only got a knock then I thought about it, "is that a no?"

I heard yet another two knocks, "O-ohhh. Two knocks is a yes, one knock for a no, hmm," I said in realization and receive two knocks.

I cautiously got up from my bed and walked quietly to my balcony door. When I reached the door, I sat and turned away, leaning my back on it. I hugged my knees to my chest and also leaned the back of my head to the door.

I closed my eyes, "do you sometimes have nightmares?" I softly asked as I got comfortable with the silence. I heard two knocks, answering my question.

"Are they real?" I asked again which earned another two knocks.

"Why are you even here?" I asked confused, "you should not waste your time with a problematic person like me. Look at me! I'm talking to my stalker, which is a crazy thing to do. I might have to visit a psychiatrist again," I rambled to myself. It earned a knock and a stifled laugh which made me confused.

"See? Even my stalker finds me crazy," I said but a smile tugged at my lips.

I turned my face to the side, still leaning on the door, "hey, thank you for your company tonight," I said softly with a soft smile. I heard two knocks, "do you even sleep?" I asked in curiosity which earned three knocks from him making me laugh, "is that a maybe?" I asked, still laughing and laughed hard when I received two knocks.

"You're funny," I said as I shook my head and looked at my alarm clock on the side table.

"Hey. I'm gonna catch some sleep. You should too," I said as I slowly stood up.

"Do you even go to school?" I heard two knocks, "oh, okay. Talk to you tomorrow," I said and gave two knocks on the door, "goodbye and sleep!" I jokingly scolded and received two knocks. I shook my head with a smile and went to my bed, too lazy to change into comfortable clothes. I only had one thought before drifting to sleep.

Yep. I must be crazy.

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