Chapter 57

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One day without internet connection is HELL! What did I miss guys? What did I effin' miss? I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday. We just got our internet back like an hour ago that I totally screamed! No joke there. I really did.

Is this all I missed? And the focused cam of Jennie unnie? Please tell me~~ I'll be up all night to see them all. (Jennie's hat and wink tho. Hot) They all look so good in black.

Here's the supposed update for yesterday and I'll also be posting the chapter for today. Again, I'm so sorry about yesterday.

Jisoo's eyes tho. This was really the first time that I saw her with this sharp eyes. It really shocked me that I had to pause the video the first time I saw it and I got to watch it again because of you know what.

 It really shocked me that I had to pause the video the first time I saw it and I got to watch it again because of you know what

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Also, this one from the behind-the-scenes of Stay. I forgot about it too but it struck me again. Rosé's visual is no joke!

 Rosé's visual is no joke!

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Okay, back to the story. Sorry, hehe.



I woke up before Taehyung did so I called for room service and requested to buy me some Advil. I didn't really have any medicine with me because vampires don't get sick or anything close to feeling pain from anything we intake unless it was a punch, blow in the head or a slit in the throat. Now, that's painful.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 3pm already. What?! We slept that long?!

It was acceptable in his case because he was drunk but me? I still have lots of things to do and tomorrow will be the day of the presentation!

While I was waiting for the room service, I decided to take a quick bath. When I was nearly done changing into my clothes, I heard a thud from where Taehyung was so I quickly went outside to check on him.

I didn't see him on the bed but I heard a groan coming from beside the bed so I went toward it. I saw Taehyung's butt in the air as he slowly tried to sit up, making me laugh at him.

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