Chapter 110

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Hey, guys! How was your day?

Mine was a little sentimental because of the rain AHAHA. Just so you know, I love the rain but I sometimes hate it when I don't have an umbrella to fight it with or when it comes on a school day and my uniform got wet and dirty. But I love the feeling it gives you and you just want to listen to some sad songs or some beautiful old songs while watching the raindrops fall from the sky. I just love it and, I love you too guys HAHAHA. Way to insert that! *pats shoulder*

Anyway, I hope you had a very good day today while staying home. Recommend some good series to watch while on summer vacation, please, so I could have something to do other than emptying the pantry XD. I'm pondering on watching The Vampire Diaries as you've recommended but thinking about the number of seasons made me lazy to watch it AHAHAHA. But if it's really good and you liked it, just comment so I could start hihi.

Okay, without further ado, this is the update for today *bow*



We were silent for a moment, trying to make sense of the situation. "It is probable if the kiss is the reason behind it. I mean, it definitely sealed the deal for us in our relationship. Just like the case of my brother and I, we could also communicate with each other through our minds because we are twins and we've always been connected since we were born," she looked so serious while she talked that she didn't notice me blushing because of what she said.

"Wait, speaking of your brother. Is it a mere coincidence that they met in Bali? Or you had him tailing my brother just like how you stalked me in the beginning?" I raised an eyebrow in question as it seem suspicious to me. It would really be a small world if it wasn't. I was proved right when I saw her smiling sheepishly at me, "about that, yes. I requested my brother to look into him," I was about to cut her sentence, "but!" She gestured a finger to let her finish, "he was actually going to be in a business trip in Indonesia so I just gave him something to do in his free time. One coincidence though, is that they were on the same plane, same class at that, same hotel, and same floor. For all I know, my request is just the rolling ball needed by destiny for them to meet."

I sighed and rolled my eyes at her cockiness at the end of her explanation. "Why did you even stalk us in the first place?" I crossed my arms on my chest, "I didn't even know supernatural beings exist before I met you," I reasoned as she straightened in her seat, "we didn't know that at first hehe. I just thought that maybe, you know something about it or maybe, your parents did. From what I heard from my brother, your parents are definitely involved with my family or at least with one of the right hand commanders," she shrugged.

I bit my lip while thinking, "where did your brother get that information?" I was confused. If her brother was following Taehyung then, "from your brother," she cleared my question but my mind became more clouded with confusion. I furrowed my eyebrow in question, "how? Does he know about you before I did?" I was bewildered by the thought and I didn't know Taehyung would leave that information in the dark.

"No, he doesn't. I know it is all confusing right now but I promise you, it will all be understandable tomorrow." She really knows when I felt worked up and slowed down the information to calm me. I nodded as she stood up and offered me a hand. I took it and followed her as she led us toward the elevator. "They are probably already there at the headquarters. We should get this tour over with so you could rest."

We rode the elevator down to their basement 2 which is their headquarters, feeling clingy as I wrapped my hands around her waist while she wound up an arm around my shoulders. It dinged, signaling our arrival, and went out. Just like the training ground, you could see no divisions in the place. It was just a vast space with some training equipment on a small part, cabinets that were occupying the entire left and right walls, and a long classy table wherein Lisa's friends were.

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