Chapter 43

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Hello guys!!! What time is it in your country? I don't really know what time my updates are being posted because when I see the notifs, it says that it's like 3 or 4 pm? 

Well anyways, have you seen YG sajangnim's post on instagram? I AM SO FREAKING PROUD OF THE GIRLS' SUCCESS! I'm praying that this will be just the beginning of their continuous success and praying on the side that they'll come for me (I'm dreaming), hahaha!

And also, the ep 2 of Krunk Inside with Lisa was up now. In case you haven't seen it, hehe. Oh well, here's the update today. It's cold so I couldn't concentrate but I at least finished one chapter which is this chapter, obviously. Okay, I'm rambling. Gotta go, ciao!



As I slowly come into consciousness, I felt like I was hugging a soft comfy pillow and my head was resting on a thin pillow but still comfy. I snuggled closer to it and smelled a mixture of vanilla and lavender from it. I relaxed and exhaled happily. It smells so good!


My pillows didn't smell like this last time I checked. Then, I felt it move a little closer to me, making me freeze, my eyelids shooting up in shock. The first thing I saw was a neck. A freaking neck!

I crawled hastily away from it while pulling the blanket with me, kicking it in the process and screamed, "AAAHHH!"

I slowly opened my eyes when I heard a 'blag!' and it was Lisa. I slept with Lisa. Fuck, I slept with Lisa! And why am I feeling happy? JENNIE!!

I heard her groan from the carpeted floor while I was still shocked at what happened. She slowly sat up and rested her elbow on the edge of the bed with closed eyes, her head on her hand massaging it gently.

She opened her eyes sleepily. "Jennie~ Why did you do that?" She sleepily asked in her cute but husky voice when she saw me with her eyes half-closed. Her head fell on the bed in sleepiness, making me smile unconsciously at her cuteness but her head shot up in realization, making me erase the smile on my face.

Her mouth closed and opened like a fish would do while staring at me with wide eyes. "I-whaa-I w-what ha-happened?" She asked in confusion and then her face morphed into a worried expression.

She immediately came toward me on top of the bed with an anxious face while I just stared at her blankly. "D-did I hurt you? W-where? Tell me," she asked in a worried voice while grabbing my shoulders and looking for a nonexistent wound. Why is she acting like this?

I just looked at her in confusion. "N-no, you didn't," I answered and it made her relaxed, falling on the bed once again, facing my direction.

"Those fucking idiots. I'll kill them later," I heard her mumble in her sleepy voice, making me smile and shake my head at her cuteness.

"I'm so sleepy," she whined as she tried to find a comfy position to sleep again which made me look at the time.

"No. It's 6 now," I protested and shook her gently to wake her up.

"So I still have an hour to sleep before getting ready," she retorted back, her voice sounded as if any second now, she'll be on dream land.

"C'mon," I whined, shaking her again, "noooo~ This is like the comfiest bed I've ever laid on," she faced the other side, avoiding me.

I smirked, "you can sleep here again later," I suggested, making her shot up on the bed, looking at me with wide eyes, "I can~?" she asked in a hopeful voice.

"No, not really," I smirked at her, fighting back a laugh. She groaned and fell back on the bed again, now in disappointment, her back facing me. She snatched the blanket away from me and covered her blushing face, "go away~" she said in a kid voice, making me laugh at her.

She kicked me softly away from her as if she owns the bed, "okay, okay! What the heck?" I smiled softly at her form and left her on the bed.

"Hey, can I borrow some of your clothes?" She asked shyly under the duvet, making me blush at the thought. Aish! Jennie, she just wanna borrow some clothes. Why are you acting so flushed?

I shook my head, "yeah, you can. Just pick what you want. The unused undergarments were at the cupboard," I replied while picking my clothes from the walk-in closet. I just picked a long-sleeved white dress.

I went inside the bathroom and did my morning routine. When I was done, I went out, wearing my black sandals and saw her sleeping on the bed again. I shook my head and went downstairs to prepare our breakfast.

It took me thirty minutes to make some scrambled eggs and tuna sandwiches. I prepared our plates and went up to my room to wake her up again. I walked toward the bed and smirked at an idea. I removed my sandals and stood on the bed carefully.

At the count of three, I jumped on it, "time's up, bitch. Wake up!" I said as I jumped, making her sat up in bed, "Jennie! You almost gave me a heart attack!" She said while feeling her heart in her chest while glaring at me. I stopped and chuckled.

I sat on the bed, "It's almost seven. Take a bath. Breakfast is ready. I'll just print our report," I instructed to her, making her pout. I glared at her because I know she's still sleepy, "No."

Her shoulders slouched in defeat and slowly went out of the bed. She's such a kid.

I let her be and went to retrieve my laptop on my bedside table. I saw our project document on the desktop and opened it to read the final output.

As I read through it, I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows at how she formed the statements. It sounded formal, like, really formal. Is she some kind of a linguistic?

It was at how it sounded personal as well. I cocked my head to the side as I continued reading and chuckled softly at how she formed the arguments. She really took this seriously, eh?

I shook my head in amusement and printed it out after I finished reading it.

I heard the bathroom door open so I looked up from my desk to look at her. She was wearing a leather jacket and probably a white off-shoulder underneath and a pair of high-waisted black jeans.

"What's with you and being monochrome?" I asked in amusement.

"I could ask you the same thing," she smirked, making me look down at my outfit. I rolled my eyes at her, "well anyways, do we really have to submit this today?" I asked while looking at her.

"Well, yeah. Better early than on time," she answered as she wore her converse.

"Isn't it supposed to be, 'better late than never?'" I looked at her while laughing.

She chuckled, "we're early, not late," she stood up from the bed, "let's eat? I'm hungry!" She said while stretching her arms.

I sighed a long sigh at her childish acts. I can't believe I have a friend like her.

"How did we become friends again?" I asked her in confusion.

"Does that supposed to hurt me?" She faked a hurt expression while her hand was placed on her chest.

"You're unbelievable," I said in exasperation while she just smiled idiotically, making her nose scrunch cutely.

"Wait for me at the kitchen. I'll just find some folder to put this in," I said as I fixed the papers and turning the printer off.

"Okay!" I heard her footsteps getting faint as I looked for a folder on my desk drawer.

A flashback suddenly played in my head, making me stop. I remembered that it was from my dream earlier before I woke up but it stopped when I unconsciously hugged my pillow, which I later found out was Lisa.

It was strange. Like, really strange and gruesome.

Lisa was there. I was there.

I was her.

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