Chapter 47

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Yo yo yo! I couldn't really say anything right now because my mind was still busy replaying today's jenlisa moments and yeah, I was still stuck between dreaming and breathing. JenLisa need to let us breathe!

Anyways! Congratulations to the girls for winning the fifth time!!! I'm so proud of them! Rosé's vocals are so awesome and powerful and Jennie never disappoints with her rap. Lisa's powerful presence can be felt when she dances and Jisoo unnie's facial expressions are so on point! I really admire her strong mind and personality. 

I know BlackPink can get through any hardships because she's there for them to cheer them on and every one of them will play their role in making their group successful. She really improved! She really came back with a powerful persona. Now, no one can bash on her skills. 

It really kills me when they say or leave hateful words to them. Immature people couldn't see that without Lisa or Rosé or Jennie or Jisoo in the group, they wouldn't really be BlackPink and they are too dumb to understand that. 

Well, enough on the rant, here's the update as I promised. Sorry if it was late, hahaha. Okay, enjoy, bye!!



After my confession, I couldn't sleep. Lisa was running around my mind because of the sudden realization of my feelings. I couldn't stop thinking about her!

So here I am, rolling around the bed, trying to find the perfect position to sleep but to no avail. I'm getting frustrated!

I was feeling anxious about what my interaction with Lisa tomorrow, would be. With my admittance to my feelings, I don't know if I could still act naturally around her and it's making me agitated.

What if in one glance, she'll know already? Fuck! I wanna die right now! I don't want to face her tomorrow!

I'm contemplating if I should just not go to school tomorrow? Just to save a face. My stomach was being invaded by butterflies just by thinking of seeing her tomorrow. I might confess to her right then and there and I don't want that to happen.

I've only known her for just almost a week for fuck's sake! How can I develop feelings for her that fast? Or am I even sure about my feelings? Or was I just infatuated with her because of her beauty? Was she even gay? Or am I even gay?

I don't fucking know!

Well, her beauty was out of this world for sure and she could get all the boys or girls she wants in just a snap and I'm getting irritated because of that.

I groaned, "brain, stop thinking! You need to sleep!" I rolled once again.

The next morning, I was greeted by a doorbell. I had an unusually good sleep last night despite the struggle.

The doorbell rang again when I placed my bacon and eggs on the counter. Who's here early in the morning? I don't remember inviting anyone yesterday?

"Coming!" I shouted as I made my way to the front door and eventually to the gate. I didn't get to peek on the hole before opening it so my eyes went wide when I saw Lisa on the other side, her hands on her back.

I couldn't fight back a blush when I remembered yesterday's overthinking and couldn't really utter a word, now that she's in front of me, smiling cutely while tip-toeing. She's wearing a dark blue hoodie, a pair of denim jeans and a pair of white Adidas.

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