Chapter 106

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I'm sorry for this long overdue update but I'll try to make it up to you all somehow during this quarantine so stay safe, always. God bless you all. We ate up real good on Lisa's birthday, didn't we? AHAHAHA. enjoy, guys. love lots.

 love lots

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We followed Hanbin's car as it drove left toward our house but a sudden scream and a lot of punches from Jennie, made me stop driving and pull up to the side of the road. The assault seemed never ending, "Ouch, ouch. What the hell, Jennie? Stop," I successfully contained her hands on mine but she got away from me and released her seatbelt. She continued to get out of the car and I was left dumbfounded on the driver's seat.

I sighed and followed after her. "What's wrong?" I asked and was startled when her glaring eyes moved toward me. "What did I do?" I asked again, feeling like I'm walking through thin ice. She had her hands crossed, "do you know what's up ahead?!" my heart was beating so fast at her angry yet scared voice.

"Uh, yeah, my house?" I unsurely answered, while she's close to fuming. "It's dangerous out there. Do you know what happened here?" She looked like she's scolding a kid while looking at me but hearing her say those things made me scared. Are there ghosts in here?

I quickly moved behind Jennie, knowing she already heard me. "What? No! There's none," she looked at me, "there's a mansion up ahead and they said that people began missing when they went to that mysterious mansion," I coughed a little and discreetly got out behind her. "There's only one mansion up ahead and that's ours," I said casually, "and what you heard are only hearsay. We don't kidnap people, let alone kill them."

She raised an eyebrow, "are you sure?" She asked while I walked toward the passenger seat, "yes, I'm sure. I stay here every sixty to seventy years so I won't meet some familiar people," I answered as I opened the door for her. When I looked at her, I can see in her eyes the curiosity about my life. I smiled, "don't worry, I'll tell you everything and I'm honestly a nobody those times," I shrugged when I saw her unbelieving eyes.

"Now, come on. They are probably waiting for us," I sighed in relief when she accepted my invitation and we're on our way. When we arrived, I could see the disbelief and amazement in her eyes. Her gummy smile slowly showed and I was amused at her happiness. "You like it?" I asked as we parked just outside the double doors behind Hanbin's car. She nodded and we immediately went out.

"I probably won't get to tour you around because of the situation but next time, I will," I said and opened the door for her. Hanbin, Namjoon, Junhoe, Seokjin, and Jisoo were in the kitchen, trying to attend to our patient for the day. There's a clatter on the kitchen island of bottles of wine containing blood.

Apparently, Kai consumed four bottles and he literally ate like a kid. Jennie went behind me, feeling cautious of the situation. From the feeling of her shaking hands on my waist, she's still not getting her grip about everything vampire-related. I took advantage of the situation and pulled her hands from my waist, intertwining our hands together. I heard her quiet giggles on my back, successfully getting her mind off of the current situation and let her relax. I'm here, don't worry.

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