Chapter 45

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AAAHHH!! I almost forgot about updating this! I've been drowning from jenlisa tweets! Twitter is lifeee!! But whipped Jennie is lifer! AHHH! I love @lalis_kimanoban's jenlisa thread on twitter! Whoever you are, if you're reading this, I love you! Hahaha! 

They are totally whipped for each other and Jennie's 'saranghae' killed me! Heck! Lisa's even dead after it, hahaha!

Jennie unnie is so undeniably happy nowadays. She's never been this cheerful and I really love it! This photo is so cute!!

 She's never been this cheerful and I really love it! This photo is so cute!!

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Who's Kookie?

I felt a faint hurt tug at my heart as I looked at her happy face. I don't really know what I'm feeling. All I know is that I'm irritated at her smiling face and the excited glint in her eyes as if she's waited for long to have this conversation with this so called Kookie.

I just ignored my irritation and looked down on my food even though I already lost my appetite. I was startled by a sudden movement from her side which made me look at her with furrowed eyebrows. She has this serious face on with her dark eyes, her phone still on her ear. Her other friends also got up and followed after her when she walked away hastily toward the double doors. Hanbin just looked at us apologetically before following behind them.

I looked at Rosé who was still looking at their backs with furrowed eyebrows. She looked back at me, "who is Kookie?" she asked which I just shrugged at because I don't know too.

I just sighed, looking down on my food, disappointed that Lisa didn't even say anything before storming off like that. She's such a disrespectful brat.

They didn't come back after that. The day ended without any sign of them and it made me furious. Who really is that Kookie? Is he/she really important that Lisa will leave me here without even an explanation? And why am I like this? Do I even have a right to ask for an explanation?

This overthinking is frustrating me! I massaged my temple because of the unnecessary headache it caused. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I looked at Chaeng. She chose to sit beside me after lunch because Jisoo wasn't beside her and she was the only one up front. I guess, she's the only one who really loves studying andddd...Jisoo unnie was another case.

We waited for the crowd to disperse and stood up to make our way outside. We swiped our IDs on the machine and went straight to the parking lot. I was feeling unusually down today. I felt like something was missing to end this day right but I don't know what it was.

I sighed a long sigh while looking ahead of me, unconsciously looking for a tall brunette only to be disappointed.

I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulders, making me look at the culprit. Rosé smiled sweetly at me, "you wanna grab something to eat before going home?" She softly asked, making me perk up and nod.

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