Chapter 63

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Hey, wow! The excerpt received good feedback, eh? Thank you and like you request, I'll publish it after this story. I would definitely find time for it for you guys and somehow, I'll start it in the cracks of writing Poisonous Blood.

There are actually six stories in that series and I'll see what I can do to convert them all but it may take time.

Here's the update for the day! Hope you enjoy~ Thank you for the 33k reads and 1.9k votes! I appreciate it guys, thank you very much. Have a good day/night!



I was stunned by what I said. Deep shade of red covered my cheeks as I looked into her shocked eyes and felt her hands frozen on my cheeks. I quickly withdrew my hands from her waist and turned around. How can you let that slip out of your mouth, Lisa?! She's not even yours yet! How can you be possessive of her?

I walked hastily away from her out of embarrassment with my head down. I heard her recover, shouting, "ya! Why did you walk away?!" Her voice became closer.

I can't let her see my flushed cheeks so I continued walking away until her hand grabbed my arm, pulling me and turning me around. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, not wanting to see her reaction then I heard her laugh.

"Ya~! Open your eyes," she said as she lifted my chin up. I cautiously opened my eyes only to see her also flushed cheeks but she has that teasing smile on her face. Well, I'm dead.

She cocked her head to the side with a smirk and I must tell you, she looks so hot in that angle.

"Do you like me?" My heart pounded with that question. Her eyes looking into mine, searching for an answer. She looks a bit nervous looking at me even though the smirk was still in her lips. What am I going to say?

My whole being was dying to tell her but the uncertainty in her face makes me want to withdraw my answer. Is this the right time? Is she just teasing me? Does she want the real answer? I don't know what to say.

So I just settled with the truth, "n-no?" though I stuttered. I felt my whole body weakened as if telling her drained my whole being. The look in her face just added to it and I felt my world crumble at her sad eyes.

I don't like you, Jennie. I love you.

I said in my mind though I know she couldn't hear it. I couldn't tell her how I feel yet but I will just have to let her feel it as I reached for her hand on my chin and held it down. I looked at her with my sincerest gaze, my other hand caressing her cheek lovingly and moved closer to her. My lips aimed for her forehead just like it did yesterday.

I felt her hold on my hand tightened and her other hand snaked through my waist, hugging me and feeling her minty breath on my neck. Oh god, this feels so right.

I pulled away and looked at her still closed eyes as I wait for it to open. It opened slowly and a soft smile made its way my to my lips, "you're special to me, Jennie," I whispered lovingly, my hand still caressing her cheek and I swear her eyes sparkled at hearing those words.

I was stunned when she pulled me closer, hugging me entirely as her head rested on my chest. Oh no! Heart, don't beat so loud! She might hear you!

I was panicking inside, nevertheless, I hugged her back with the hand that was once on her cheek and now wrapped on her shoulders, my chin on top of her head and our hands still clasping each other.

We pulled away and smiled as if nothing happened and strolled around the place peacefully until it was time to go. The place was now filled with blinding lights as we moved out from the Ferris wheel. The ambiance up there was so romantic as Jennie's head rested on my shoulder, watching the sun go down the horizon. We didn't talk, save for the silent whispers about how beautiful the scenery was and I know now, most of my favorite moments of silence are with Jennie.

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