Chapter 58

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This video is oozing with sexiness and charisma. As I focused on her gaze, I was clearly being hypnotized and even though I knew I was, I still let her continue torturing me. Hell, if her power is killing people with her gaze, I would gladly look into her eyes.  

Well, here is the update for today. The real update for today. Again, pardon my inability to write a male's POV.



It was nighttime when I finished all my works, ready for tomorrow's presentation. Taehyung was still out, doing god knows what. Where is he?

I stood up, deciding to go out to get some food. Jimin already sent me the location of the villa so I told him to rent one near it for me.

I walked out the suite, keeping the keycard in my back pocket. I sighed, where did that mad man go?

I was in deep thought that I didn't hear the calling of my name. I looked up to see the man I was looking for, waving idiotically at me. I shook my head in amusement. He's like a kid!

"What?" I feigned annoyance when I reached him. He just smiled at me, "I'll treat you to dinner. Just a thank you gift," he offered as we walked inside the elevator.

"You know you're penniless, right?" I looked at him with a smirk.

He pouted, startling me as my heart beat faster. My heart is acting weird! I didn't even know I have it.

"Ya! You look disgusting," I said in fake disgust, causing him to pout even more.

"I already settled the keycard problem and I have a temporary card," he showed me the card. I nodded and looked at the floor numbers flashing on top of the elevator.

"C'mon, I'll treat you to dinner. I just got my money in my room, please~?" He shook me, looking into my eyes with his doe ones.

He somehow looks hotter than cute though.

I thought in my head that caused me to shake my head to push it away.

"Alright," I sighed and walked out of the elevator when we reached the ground floor.

He squealed like a kid and dragged me unexpectedly toward the restaurant.

"Do you want to go to the club again?" He asked, making me laugh out loud.

"What? You want to dance again?" I teased him as his cheeks reddened with my statement.

He glared at me, "never mind," he said in annoyance. I just chuckled at him, "okay, but your treat again," I smirked.

"Really? Okay," he smiled and we ate our food once it was served.

We went up to change into some new clothes before going to the club. It was already quarter to 11pm when we met each other at the lobby. We went back to the club where we first met and sat on a bar stool. I ordered some Jack Daniels while he ordered some vodka.

Moments later, he was at the dance floor again. I didn't waste time to record it again as he was doing some running man with a slow song. His trips never fail to amuse me.

I laughed at him as he did some other crazy dances, not following the beat of the music and weird stares were thrown at him again. When he became aggressive again, I quickly went to get him to not cause a scene again just like yesterday's event.

I sat him on the stool where he was sat earlier and ordered some cold water for him.

"Here, drink this," I offered to him. He just accepted it while dancing in his seat, causing some water to spill.

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