Chapter 25.1: Omake

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A/n: this is a series of Omake I decided to add, it covers the time Obito and Rin spent together in this Minka.

When I was re reading, I felt like we lacked too much Obirin scene in this time they spent together. :P


Souma Araki was a man of many talents, strength and courage were not ones of them.

He run as quickly as possible toward the forest, it's long trees covering the sun and making it look like a dark infinite tunnel.

"I must compliment you," said the Masked Man's eerie voice. "You were able to make it to the woods, I didn't even take my time playing with your men."

Araki panicked at his voice, he was already so close, how in the world did he?

"Those were not my men, they were my Nakama (camarades)." He said looking for an exit to the heavy woods around him and hoping to find a hole to hide in from his predator.

"Nakama?" Obito asked amused, his voice carried in echoes around the trees. "You mean to say that you left your Nakama behind while they were not even implied in anything I need from you." He chuckled. "With an ally like you, no need for enemies."

Araki kept his movements quiet, he didn't wanted to answer, he knew his assaillant was provoking him to talk to locate him, so he silently took cover under a tree between some bushes.

"I do want to rectify something before I go to business though," Said Obito.

Araki gulped, surveying every susupecious or unusual movement, his senses sharpened to its utmost.

"I do not need you to speak to find you." Said Obito's voice from just behind Araki, this last panicked and attempted to jump away, but Obito was faster as he grabbed his neck tightly.

Araki tried to pull himself free unsuccessfully, he was clutching the other man's arm, he tried to reach for his Ninja pouch, but the masked man nonchalantly removed it and threw it away.

"What does a member of the Akatsuki like yourself want from a small Organisation like us, we the Red Masks have done nothing against you, if it's about the story of southern Land we already-"

Obito tightened his clench silencing him at once.

"I have nothing against the Red Masks either, i came for you and you alone, you brought them the mission of chasing Moriyama Ayame a year ago, did you not?"

Araki smirked. "So, you Akatsuki are looking for that now?"

Obito arched an eyebrow. "Develop." He ordered.

"I might have run away from the base earlier, I might have abandoned my Nakama, but I am still a Ninja." Said the Konoha Rogue Shinobi. "I will not tell you anything." He said determined.

"I am afraid you won't have a choice."

"Oh, the choice I have it." Said Araki in amusement. "And I chose to better die than betray him." He added as he bit in his teeth triggering an auto distructive bomb and making his body explode immediately.

Obito cursed inside. Another dead end.

"Akatsuki-san" said one of the Red Mask as he jumped down next to him. "What happened to Araki?"

Obito glared at him and the man raised his hand in surrender. "Sorry for the informal speaking,"

As they didn't wanted to get in the wrong side of an Akatsuki, the organisation surrendered earlier, especially when he mentioned Araki and this last run away leaving them to their fate —which was supposed to be his— in case he refused to cooperate.

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