Chapter 84~ Confronting its Fear

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"I have great news." Announced Ei.

Rin looked at her a bit startled, she was taking a walk on her own and had no idea when Ei appeared, though she was sure it wasn't just now, that woman was too polite to start a conversation from the middle.

Rin must have been spacing out when Ei came.

"Yes?" Rin smiled.

"The marriage date was set."

"What?" Rin gasped shocked. "Ei, you, you, you have a marriage, you are gonna get married and I haven't heard a thing." She added palming her opened mouth.

Ei frowned and shook her head in negation. "Rin, the mission was about a wedding to stop."

"Ah!" Rin remembered, then laughed. "I completely forgot."

Ei nodded.

Due to some weathers issues, the road wasn't safe enough for the princess to travel and therefore the marriage kept being delayed, Rin wished it kept that way forever.

The mission asked of the Akatsuki was to eliminate some people before the ceremony and accusing one of the two country of it, so, the wedding and the alliance that will eventually lead to a greater army in order to ruin another country would be annuled.

Ei looked at Rin who was once more lost in thought, probably recalling details about the mission.

"That's mean the mission is closely reaching to an end." Said Ei.

"What do you want to get to, Ei?" Rin asked.

"Technically, this is in our advantage to Aka-nii and me, but you Rin, what will you win out of this story?"

Rin paused an instant, when this mission would be over they all will be separated.

The young woman rose her head up, facing the ceiling and focusing in its details.

She originally wanted to find Obito, now she found him, she had no other goal than to stay with him, but, he was acting as though he didn't wanted her around.

Finding him was such a big of a goal that she didn't quiet had time to think of what to do in the case he didn't want her around.

"Did I say something unnecessary?"

Rin shook her head. "Not at all, remember, I said I wanted to find the masked man, it wasn't for nothing, I won something."

Ei looked at her, she got more attached to Rin than she thought and parting, even if it was still in some times, seemed more difficult than usual.

As though reading her thoughts through some kind of friendship telepathy they had created those last months, Rin smiled sadly. "Our time together is reaching to an end."

Ei nodded. "Where will you go? Where do you live?"

Rin chuckled. "I caused a lot of trouble for you as it is already, now thanks to the Akatsuki, you were able to finally get rid of them, they don't know who you are, if you keep quiet for a moment, you are sure to be forgotten, and knowing the secret hideout of a fugitive like me will only worsen your case." Rin winked.

"I will miss you very much." Said Ei, her eyes suddenly taking a livelier light.

Rin's eyes widened.

"Aww, Ei, you are putting too much pressure on me, it's not like we are gonna part now, save this for another day."

Ei nodded, then looked away then back at Rin. "I considered asking hiring the Akatsuki to erase all data about you, but our pursuers are a Ninja village, that's too big."

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