Chapter 95~The Fourth Great Ninja War

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"Toshiroooo!" Rin cried harder closing her book. "S-seijun, he died." She cried  between sobs.

Seijun who was varnishing her toes nails looked up at her. "Told you this book had a sad ending." She said sympathetically.

Rin sobbed harder. "But did he need to start a war?" She sobbed again.

Seijun stopped and looked at her with a frown. "Wait, are you talking about the book male lead or what?"

Rin sobbed harder, rubbing her nose with the back of her hand.

Seijun felt bad looking at her like that and went to fetch her another box of tissue.

"Thank you." Rin said taking one as Seijun collapsed next to her on the sofa stretching her leg over the table admiring her artistic work.

"I am so good the Akatsuki could even hire me as a stylist, you could try too." She joked trying to raise her friend spirit.

Rin looked at her friend's varnished nails. "Obito's was better." She told her sulky.

"Awww, if you were a couple he would do your nails." Seijun said enthusiastically imagining them from the description Rin gave of Obito.

Then when she saw the depressing aura on her friend, Seijun realised she might have said something innaproriate and made a grimace.

Three weeks ago, Rin came here with a tan, telling Seijun all about her adventures in the sea and mostly crying over her breakup (it was kinda) with the mysterious masked man.

It was good, Seijun was tired of working as by late, and when Rin came to see her last time she was out of the village in a mission, so she took a good holidays, where they were chilling around all the time and went out to parties and festivals.

She was successful this far, until, a certain Ei sent Rin a letter informing her that the Akatsuki attacked the Five Kage Submit a week ago, and of course declared the Fourth Great Ninja War.

Rin collapsed in tears at the information and finally revealed the identity of the masked man to Seijun as her long lost love, Uchiha Obito who died in service in the previous war.

And now, even a week later, she was still eating ice cream and crying while reading sad books.

"You know," Seijun started. "You gonna get fat."

"I don't care." Rin said capriciously.

"You should have told me sooner about this Masked man story, we could have made a plan to hook you together." Seijun said taking the box of Icecream from Rin and eating herself.

"I came here." Rin complained in tears. "After Kaiji's Castle story, I came here to stay and have intel, but you were gone on a mission for so long, I even had to stay at an inn and it ate all my economies, I was working to earn money but I lose half of them in the booking of that small room, and now I don't have anything left." She cried again.

"Here, here." Seijun hugged her tearing up herself, she knew what it was to be tight on money, maybe not as extremely as Rin, but she knew. "Here eat Icecream."

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