Chapter 2~ Hanashu's Medic

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'Kakashi is here? why?' Rin thought.

Unconsciously, she hided behind the people looking for a way to leave without being noticed.

The woman said that when she was coming back to the village a rogue ninja from Iwagakure attacked her, thus Hatake Kakashi who was passing by, saved her life and injured the criminal.

However the man escaped, and then the nice Konoha shinobi gently proposed to take her back to her village, since the Iwa nin could have came this way.

"So that's what happened?" Asked a villager.

"Yes!" Replied Kakashi with his only visible smile, a closed eye smile.

"Did you perhaps saw an Iwa nin?" Questioned the shinobi.

"We did, but you are a bit late, here he is" answered proudly a villager showing him the rogue ninja in chain.

"You did this?" Asked Kakashi surprised.

"It's our medical ninja, Ayame, here she is!" He said pointing the place where Rin was, but unexpectedly she wasn't there.

"Ehh? where is she?"

"She was here about a minute ago."

"It's not really like her to go away without saying a word!"

They were looking for her, which Kakashi found suspicious, in a village where there should be no ninja, there was actually one.

Yes indeed Rin wasn't there anymore, when she found a way to leave without being noticed she ran away as if her life on depended.

Of course she missed Kakashi, he was her best friend, but she could not afford herself to meet him again, she already made up her mind that all her life in the Leaf was over, and that, many years ago, she didn't even came back when she heard that the fourth Hokage was killed, she wasn't going to come back now.

'Let's just hope that Kakashi will not recognise my smell, since he was a dog user, still it changed.'

She went to her cabinet closing the door, before slowly falling in the floor her back against the wooden door, she sighed, hugged her knees

_"He will go away soon...right?" She said softly.

What if her and Kakashi were to meet here, what would she tell him, he will probably hate her for hiding all those years and never telling anybody about her being alive, after all anybody would.

A part in her told her that Kakashi's reaction might be different but she had to believe otherwise, for both their sakes.

Kakashi had got so big now, his voice more manly, his body bigger, she always knew he would be an ikeman when he grow up, and she was far from being wrong.

Almost sixteen years years passed.

No, she can't meet him and she just can't go back to Konoha, not after what happened.

And its not like they will meet, she will just go home for now, saying that the cabinet is closed for today, Kakashi doesn't have time to stay here anyway, he will go back to Konoha.

_"Ayame-chan is everything okay?" Asked her an old woman.

That startled the woman, when she looked at her surrounding, she noticed that there was people in the clinic, she was so focussed on Kakashi and Konoha that she forgot about it.

She sighed tiredly before jumping on her feet.

"Nothing, nothing at all, I am perfectly fine." She said chuckling nervously.

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