Chapter 11~Nohara Kazuya

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16 years ago:

"Dad, what are you talking about? What does your father have anything to do with us!" Asked Rin.

"Darling?" Questioned Erika.

"Erika remember when we checked on Rin's body, and she was with no doubt dead," Said Rin's father.

Both mother and daughter looked at him.

"I think I know why she came back to life." He added shocking them both.

"You know?" Asked Rin. "How? Why? Can I change that?"

"You need to know who my father was first, Rin, give me the time to explain." He looked at the gentle eyes of his daughter and she nodded.

"My father Nohara Kazuya, was a very intelligent shinobi of a pretty good level, he was very cold and sometimes I even found him mad, he was spending all his time studying dangerous book not giving importance to me, at first we thought that he studied medicine about cells regeneration and all, but in the truth he was studying immortality." Said Kageochi under the shocked eyes of his family.

"I--Immortality?" Asked a shocked Rin.

"Some rumours said that he succeeded at the regeneration and immortality, but I never believed it, after that I heard that he died, that was back in the First Shinobi War."

"You never spoke about your dad!" Said Erika.

"Um. Actually, now I think that he really succeeded at the immortality and regeneration." He explained looking at Rin.

Rin surprised looked at him in shock while both parents gaze were on her.

"But I never even met this man." Said Rin.

"And he is right! He did succeeded the experiment." Said Danzo behind the cell's door.

"Danzo!" Groaned Rin.

"Nohara Kazuya was around our age, Hiruzen and I, he was very smart and intelligent, he was unlike you and your daughter very strong too" said Danzo referring to Rin and her father.

"Kazuya wanted to be able to fight without having to constantly protect his life, so he desired immortality to be eternal as well, and scarifying humans life for that purpose wasn't a problem for him-" started Danzo.

They all looked at him horrified, Kageochi was trying to recall his father, was he really like that.

"-He didn't wanted to die and found human too weak to die so easily, and even if they become immortal once their body is destroyed they become useless,so he first studied the lizard regeneration, lizard can regenerate their tail if it's cut, that was what he based on his regeneration research. And with a never seen result he succeeded on this ultimate regeneration, thus, even if he is burnt, he can live again, am I wrong Rin?" Said Danzo.

Both Erika and Kageochi looked at their daughter.

'No way.' They thought.

"He then studied immortality with who knows what principle, and then mixed it with the regeneration power, and he performed this experiment against the life of many innocents creating a new jutsu which he performed on his own body, which we can call a kind of a kekei Genkai, and the proofs of its success is you, yourself Nohara Rin" said Danzo looking at the scared girl.

"Liar!" Screamed Rin. "Why would we believe you!"

"Believe me or not is your problem, I discovered what Kazuya has been doing and that he was responsible of many death, and just when I was able to make a deal with him, Hiruzen discovered the truth about Kazuya."

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