Chapter 24~Obito's Decision

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'Tobi smell heavenly, he is so hot.' thought Rin before waking up in her bed "alone".

'So Tobi left.'

'I'll never be able to sleep. ' she remembered herself mumbling yesterday.

In the end, she wasn't only able to sleep but to sleep soundly, very well even, it had been years she didn't slept like this.

She sighed. 'I am a real idiot, what will Tobi think of me now.'

Getting out of bed, the Nohara decided to visit the place looking for her "friend" the masked man.

When she was gonna stand she noticed that her feet were banded, where she had those scratches from walking bare feet the last night.

'Oh, it was gonna heal anyways.' she thought as she caressed the bandage, it was made carefully.

Rin smiled and stood from bed leaving her room, she checked left and right wondering which way to take and decided to walk where she heard some noise.

She was walking in the traditional mansion when she met the old woman of yesterday.

After they finished the salutation, introduction and all, Rin finally questioned her about Tobi.

"He left yesterday night, after asking me to look after you, you have a good husband." She said.

"Husband? He is not my-" started Rin.

"And a hot one." Interrupted her the old woman smirking.

Rin giggled before suddenly remembering that the old woman have seen his face.

"How does he look like?" She asked her excited.

"He is tall and black haired." Answered the old woman.

"That's not what I mean, I mean his face, how is he?" Asked the brunette.

"He has a man's face."

"It's obvious, I mean how is it, his face?" Replied the young woman impatiently.

"He has eyes, one nose, one mouth and ears." Explained the old woman sure of herself.

"Thank you, but that's not what I meant, I meant like the color of his eyes or else."

"Ah, I see..." finally understood the old woman. "His eyes are white in the inside and there is an iris."

In the end she didn't understood anything.

"You know what, forget about it." Said Rin disappointed.

The old woman brought her breakfast, the brunette proposed to help, but the old woman refused, however she accepted Rin's offer to take breakfast together, even if she had already took hers.

"What's this place? It's a beautiful old Mansion." Said Rin.

"It's a Minka." Said the old woman referring to the old building.

"Does Tobi live here?"

"Who's Tobi?" Asked the woman.

"The man who was with me."

"Ah, him, no he does not live here, he visited us from time to time, he brought you one week ago at night, holding you in a bridal style. He asked me to take care of you, he came very often to look after you and left soon after, but he came everyday without fault, the landlord also asked us to make no other reservation for anyone else for some times, I assume he had reserved the place." Explained the old woman.

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