Chapter 8~Tobi And Miwa (1)

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Even though Rin tried to see Tobi's face so badly, she couldn't, or more like he didn't let her and it was safe to say he was stubborn.

Since she felt that it was a bit arrogant of her to unmask a man she just met, and even being upset that he was so adamant at hiding it, she stopped trying, embarrassed by her own conduct.

"Its sunset!" Exclaimed Tobi after awhile.

Rin nodded looking at the sky with a smile.

"However the sky is cloudy so the sun is barely visible!" He added, she listened to him still fixing the white cloudy sky, before looking back at him with a grin.

"Actually this city is pretty known for having a beautiful view of the sunset, people say it's the second most beautiful sunset in the world," Rin chuckled enthusiastically. "It will be a waste if we don't see it since we are already here, don't you think?"

"Ah yeah, but it's sunset and it's gonna rain so the clouds are hiding the sky, unlucky us!"

"Not if we go quickly to the high Morino temple." Rin noted standing up and taking his wrist kindly before pulling him into a race.

"Ah-a, Oi," said Tobi.

They ran few metres while Rin was still holding Obito's hand dragging him along when he harshly took it back.

She stopped her race looking back at him weirdly before realising that he might have found it inappropriate.

Which it actually was.

"Sorry!" She said apologetically pulling her tongue out.

"No, it's nothing."

'Oh baka, baka, baka me, it's not because he remind you of Obito that I can be so tactile and act so friendly with him, Tobi will think that I am too daring.'

"Anyway come on!" Rin said jumping on a tree in order to change the subject.

'Well it's not that bad to just hold his hand, it was just his hand, plus there was other way to pull off.' Rin sulked inside her head.

Tobi followed her and they quickly ran to the top of the temple.

"Here look, look at the sunset, it's still visible." She said breathless holding on her knees, which made her cough.

"You really gave us a hard time." Said Tobi amused looking at the beautiful sky.

Rin chuckled.

"Kire (beautiful)." She said looking at the sun when suddenly a cloud hided the view. "Oddly, that cloud looked like he is hiding the sun in purpose." She commented sulking which made Tobi chuckle, an almost inaudible laugh though.

"The panorama is still pretty." Rin said puling her tongue to the big cloud.

"It must be rough to have a fight with a cloud." Commented Tobi mockingly.

'He must finds me very childish.'

"Ha, ha, ha." She sulked laughing dryly while he chuckled before looking back at the sky.

A comfortable silence took place while they both enjoyed the view.

Rin felt a bit awkward after awhile, this man had followed her for the whole day, and she didn't knew what he wanted, he could be dangerous, he was with Akatsuki after all, and he definitely was mysterious.

She looked at him and almost immediately, he looked at her as well, just as if he is was waiting for her to look at him, or to just say something.

Not finding anything to say, Rin smiled.

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