Chapter 55~Girl's Chat

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'I liked that kiss, no matter how much you didn't....'

Rin blushed sulking as she wrapped herself in a towel leaving her bath, a small attempt to relaxation after a long exhausting day, with of course, her ninja gear at reach.

She went to brush her teeth looking at her reflection in the mirror, did she really pleased him in look?

She wasn't bad looking but she wasn't sure she was what could be qualified of a beauty.

"I liked that kiss, no matter how much you didn't."

'No matter how much I didn't?' Rin thought. 'i didn't indeed, he sealed my arms and legs, showing me just how powerless I was in his arms, but then again, how much exactly I didn't?'

She did felt powerless, he stole her first kiss, but he was kind in his hold, even the rough kiss, it was sensual, full of passion, dominant, demanding and exigent but it was not unkind.

Her body must have reacted to it as well, since she was a bit late to realise her hands and legs were sealed for she stupidly offered him two moans before succumbing to her fears.

"I liked that kiss, no matter how much you didn't...."

The whole evening, this line came popping in her mind, no matter how insignificant it was compared to all the other things he have told her.

He was a kind of a tactile jerk, or at least he was with her, but not that much of one, in her life Rin had known worst man, but he was kind too, that at least, was undeniable.

She believed him when he told her he wouldn't turn her in, for some reason he was even more trust worthy than half the unmasked man in the world.

Rin was reminded of Kakashi, he too wear a mask, but was such a trustworthy and reliable person, Rin missed him very much.

After the masked man had told her about the fact Miya betrayed her, she was disappointed but not that shocked as she was faced with treason before.

It's just that it was a bit hilarious when compared with the level of blind trust they had in team Minato. Her life really did turned upside down.

Rin sighed, combing her hair.

Not only her friend betrayed her but she too never trusted her enough to do not, after all she was a spy and a good one at that, Rin wasn't even that angry, everyone knows spies are not to be trusted.

But who was that Katsumi anyways? Was he the man she buried yesterday?

In any case, he was after her? How much did he knew of her? What about the Masked man how much did he knew? He obviously knew her name.

He never called her Rin in front of people, and he didn't told Kaiji or anyone anything, right? He seemed secretive.

For sure, that man made her feel restless, she couldn't tell if he was just teasing her or was serious, she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror one last time before changing into clean clothes.

'I liked that kiss, no matter how much you didn't....'

Rin shook her head, she didn't knew if she should classify this in the bad or good side of her head.

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