Chapter 19~What Now?

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Rin found herself facing two possibilities:

_the man she secretly have a crush on was hugging her.

_She did fell, and her head was giving her wrongs ideas.

But his hug was so warm, loving, sad and relieving that without realising it, she returned it, shyly holding on his shirt. She felt her cheeks heating and guessed she must be red by now.

She noticed that his look turned to her arms, which made her blush even more.

'damn, I am too sensitive to Tobi.'

Embarrassed, Rin quickly withdrew her hands but he was faster as he held them, putting them back in their initial place kindly.

Feeling his body's warmth around her, the young woman felt loved and cherished, even if the prospect seemed to be a bit far fetched, she felt that those arms were made especially for her.

That feeling of being needed, of being safe, of mattering at least for one person filled her with happiness and she wanted that hug to last forever.

All this made no sense, why would she matter to him? And yet she felt that he was happy too.

As their hug tightened, Rin blushed feeling electric vibes traversing her body.

'But you gotta understand me,' her inner self told her. 'He is sexy as hell and this without even seeing his face,'

That comfortable position slowly turned to very embarrassing, with his arms around her like that, Rin could tell that he was muscular, and he smelt very good.

"You seem relieved," She said softly against him. "Were you scared alone in the forest?" She asked, just to say something, to hear him say something, even though she knew he wasn't scared at all.

Obito chuckled.

He tightened his hug.

'Yes!' Rin said to herself happily, she really wanted to be tightly against him, but regretted it right away as she felt her chest taking an intimate position against his own, she could tell he tensed, and that made her blood boiling, she blushed so much that she knew she must look like a tomato by now, embarrassed, she hided her face into his shoulder.

"I was very very scared!" He said softly, his voice was deep and somehow hot, thought Rin.

"R-" She cleared her throat. "Really?"


'Darn he really have a beautiful voice.'

'Wait, what if he take me again for this woman he spoke of last time.'

"you really look like her!" He had said.

The young woman got away from him not completely breaking the hug, but in a way they were both holding each other.

"Hey, do you know who I am, I mean I am Miya, ehh I mean sure you're not taking me for someone else?" She asked him ready to let go of him in case of an answer that will break her heart forever.

He chuckled lightly bringing her against him again. "I know perfectly who you are, I told you I have been looking for you, didn't I?"

Rin arched her eyebrow a bit unsure of his sudden change of attitude.

Obito couldn't believe he doubted her identity before, he was 100% sure she was Rin now, she even forgot her false name, she truly was funny. He thought as he chuckled probably confusing her even more, she did seemed confused.

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