Chapter 76~Meeting Gone Wrong

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"Yatta!!" Rin almost jumped in her place expressing her happiness, accidentally waking Dakota and Ei in the process.

She barely had time to apologise that Dakota punched her atop her head painfully.

"Itai!" Rin held her swollen head with her hands as tears pulled at the back of her eyes.

"Baka, you could have made the enemy spot us, plus it's your turn to keep watch, so keep quiet." Scolded Dakota, Ei looked at them, humming sleepily and went back to sleep.

"Sorry," Rin whispered, caressing her head soothingly.

Dakoto sighed exasperated and went back to sleep as well as it was still night time.

Rin pouted feeling that it was a bit unjust from Dakota, Rin's turn to keep watch she had said? But since Sensei went away after receiving a favourable answer from the Akatsuki in order to settle the assignment place and payment mode it had always been Rin's job to keep the watch.

She didn't complained, she was the only worrier in the team, but at least her, she didn't complained about Dakota's loud snore at night, or how her strong breath sent Rin's papers flying making her unable to work properly.

Rin twitched her lips pouting but decided it wasn't worth wasting her happiness for she just finally deciphered the inscription in her amethyst pendant.

Rin had been doing that a lot lately and finally it made sense, she started inversing the syllables to make sure it was the correct inscription, her heart beating fast.

After a moment, Ei woke up.

"Oh, sorry I woke you up." Said Rin.

Ei shook her, glancing at Dakota, Rin knew that it was her but she knew Ei was too polite to admit it.

They had no idea why was Dakota still with them.

"Did you sleep well?" Rin asked.

Ei nodded. "I liked the Fantastic Legend you told us."

Rin chuckled, it started few days ago, as Rin wanted to cheer Ei up and started telling her some folklore legends she enjoyed, most of the time fictional of course, but mysterious and captivating.

"I am glad you did," Said Rin.

Ei didn't liked the stories that got out too much of the ordinary —logic kind of things— after all.

"What made you this happy?"

Rin grinned and showed her her works, making sure to emphasise the suspense of the answer to the end, which took Ei aback and made her worked out, curious about the answer.

"So beautiful," Ei said finally looking at the Amethyst pendant with the correct inscription in mind. "Can I keep the pendant?"

"Oh no, sorry Ei, but this is mine."

Ei nodded and said calmly. "If you die, can I keep it?"

Rin looked at her for a long moment with dropped jaw. "Okay..." She said unsure.

Ei nodded, and the moon reflecting her eyes made her truly look like a ghost, which made Rin chuckle for a moment.

Ei tilted her head to the side.

"By the way, Ei," started Rin getting the girl's attention. "You once told me that a man with Orange Swirling Mask goes by the name of Uchiha Madara."

Ei nodded.

"How do you know that?"

"I have never met him but there was some rumours that the fourth Mizukage was Madara-sama, extremely confidential though, in kiri they say that they saw a masked ghost, but he is not supposed to be related to the Akatsuki, there was just stories on how he manipulated the fourth Mizukage Yagura-sama, that's all I know, some people also heard rumours about him acting in the underground world." Said Ei.

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