Chapter 57~ The Tradition

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It was a snowy day.

that day....that special day.

The snow covered the green mountain and forest with its pure whiteness.

When Rin was done with her daily shifts, she went for a tour around the beautiful garden, now entirely enveloped in snow.

She still had some time before carrying the yearly tradition.

By now, she couldn't quiet tell if it was a happy or sad heritage, probably the two, Rin was sure.

But however it was, she just couldn't drop it, one would call her stubborn for if, another would say she was hopeless, it did not matter to her, it had been long since she adopted this tradition for that special day.

'Today is a special day,' She told herself. 'and it will always be,'

Well, it wasn't particularly a special day any longer but it used to be.

It was the 10/02, this used to be Obito's birthday.

Back in the days, where everything was alright and no tragedy had poured it's agony upon them, Rin used to buy the young Uchiha a present every year, they would celebrate around a cupcake later or occasionally, cakes.

But the boy who once stole her heart died a long time ago, since then, in each anniversary of this particular day, the Nohara lit and release a sky lantern.

The young woman rubbed her hands together, blowing on them in an attempt to provide some heat, before looking up at the clouds.

When exactly did she started this tradition? She did not remember.

She was admiring the Castle in amazement when she saw someone behind the tree trunk.(look picture)

Curiously, Rin frowned at the silhouette wondering who it might be, but then a mask in his hand gave him away and made Rin almost gasp in realisation.

The masked lord wasn't wearing his mask.

Driven by curiousity and ignoring the quote "curiousity killed the cat", Rin sneaked toward him, quieter than a mouse, hoping to surprise his seemingly handsome face unmasked but by the time she countered the tree he placed his mask back.

A bit too fast to Rin's opinion.

"Why, I rushed all the way here!" She complained teasingly.

Obito turned toward her and somehow Rin could tell he smiled.

"Hey!" He said simply.

"Hello!" Rin smiled, feeling somehow odd.

He tilted his head to the side.

"It's a pretty cold day, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's a cold winter." He said looking at the grey sky.

Rin looked at him then up then at him again with a smile.

He glanced at her, raising a brow under his mask.

"You know, you don't have to feel uncomfortable with me." She told him, Obito frowned and she added. "Just enjoy the panoramic winter view! Let the wind blow on your face, go on, you can take off your mask!" She said with a thumb up.

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