Chapter 91~The Thief

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"Are we almost there Oni-chan?" Asked the little kid holding into Obito's trousers uncomfortably.

Obito glanced at him. "Yes, this is the way i think, but don't worry I won't leave until you find your mother." He said in a defeated way and the boy delighted.

"Arigato!" He told him with a happy smile, showing his lack of teeth.

Why is he so comfortable around a creepy masked man anyway? Obito thought patting his head.

"But mom is gonna be so mad at me for going to the ship roof alone." Said the boy worried.

"Do not worry, I am sure she is so worried for you she will forget to ground you."

"I hope so." Said the little boy clutching Obito's trousers between his fingers nervously.

They were heading to the third tier, the ship's department was big enough to divide it's tiers to three, the upper class tier where everything and everyone was so fancy, the middle class tier where Obito and the others were traveling, and the low class tier where this kid was traveling, so, Obito never saw the kid before and didn't happen to know his mother either.

He sighed, he was uncomfortable himself and a little bit annoyed.

Few more days before this mission would finally be over and he won't see her again. He will make sure of it.

He went to the roof to have some fresh air in the afternoon for just a moment and he ended up listening to all those legends she was telling the children.

He was so absorbed in the stories, he didn't even heard Asami's report about some occurrence that happened awhile ago in Obito or Madara's facility that her grandfather, Ashida had to deal with.

He didn't knew Rin was good with kids, but he supposed she was calm enough for that... She was lovely, and she looked particularly cute today.

Obito sighed, he was closely monitoring her chakra the other day and she was jealous, he was very well satisfied when he realised it.

Though it took him quiet a time, as he chose to compare the reaction of her chakra signature with other people's when jealous, even if he knew all too well that people's reactions differ from a person to another, and of course their chakra as well.


He must admit he was happy to feel that frustrating feeling growing inside her, she was jealous and he enjoyed it.

She was thinking of only him and he enjoyed it.

It should have answered his questions, but then he remembered that glint in her eyes when she looked at Kakashi and the way she was so impressed by anything he did.

He had thought that he could change her before, he really did, but her feelings remained strong to the point where she chose to die by his hand, when she couldn't have anything else.

That was the depth of Rin's love for Kakashi.

To her, Obito helped her recently with her trauma, and Kakashi was out of reach, when Obito would create a perfect world, she would not chose him. He knows.

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