Chapter 29~<3 That Girlfriend <3

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Rin leapt quickly from a tree branch to another, jumping further in the gloomy forest.

She doubled speed to get faster to this person.

Ordinary, when she travel, she walk trying to hide her identity as a ninja, but now that she reached this perimeter, she needed to act quickly since too many shinobi pass by here.

Five days passed since she left the Minka, Ookata, the old woman, prepared some bento for her, that she ate in her way here.

Tobi had told her that he owned that place, yet some claim it to be the propriety of the Fourth Mizukage.

When she learned that, Rin got a bit uncomfortable, no, she didn't hated kiri shinobi, but it also reminded her of her death.

Also the man who used the jouin on her had a link with kiri, he was even capable to use Bijuu to achieve his goal, which mean he was terribly strong and capable of anything.

Plus even after reading many books, she had never found anything about that jouin, it was a very dangerous one, yet no one, absolutely no one, even the most knowledgeable people, have ever heard of it.

A seal that broke only by the destruction of the heart of someone is as dangerous as cruel.

But then, what made her the most uncomfortable, was the idea of linking Tobi with Mizukage, he couldn't be Yagura-sama disguised, right?

Yagura was the name of the fourth Mizukage, but he was her father's age, Tobi said he was her age...he wouldn't have lied in that, right?

That would be disgusting in her part since the man would be generation older than her.

'No, no, no, that can't possibly be him.'

She shook her head violently getting those stupid ideas out of her mind.

In the other hand, Tobi knew her, he knew the Konoha medic nin : Nohara Rin, she wasn't known back then, —neither was she today—  but he did knew her.

He owned the temple that was somehow linked with Kiri, plus he knew her, strengthening his link with the village that took her life, and Tobi knew about her death, implying he knows it's condition.

Which give him relation with the man who used that jouin on her.

Rin was officially suspecting Tobi to have a link with her murderer.

Tobi wanted her to stay in the Minka all the time, when he came only when he wanted, asking her to wait for him without telling her anything about him.

Rin waited all her life for Obito, because she knew he would definitely come in the end, which was sadly not Tobi's case.

She had agreed to wait for him, to give him that chance, but it was definitely something that should have rested between her and Obito.

True, there was the possibility that he was in danger but... She wasn't able to conceive it.

Nor was she gonna wait for him forever, either to find him or find about him, that was her right as her role as his girlfriend.

Rin absolutely needed to gather informations, and in order to do so, she was the person she gotta ask.

She landed down from a tree facing an old and little village

The brown headed woman walked to the village and headed to an old spices shop.

"Miya?" Asked Rin. "Miya? Are you in there?"

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