Chapter 93~ Rin's Answer

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Rin squeezed Ei in her arms. "We will definitely meet again, I will visit you from time to time."

Ei nodded, as though she made a solemn promise to do the same.

"Take care." Akatsuki said from behind managing to stand somehow, his tan paler than usual because of the horrible trip they survived.

"You too Sensei, and sorry again for not going on till the end." Said Rin, releasing Ei who managed to breath finally.

"It's alright, we can manage. I am just glad you were here during the trip over the sea." He said tiredly remembering the bad time he had.

Rin smiled. "I hope by next time we meet you would find a suitable woman."

Ei tilted her head shocked and Akatsuki frowned.

Rin looked confused between the two.

"Rin, why would you say such a thing?" Ei asked.

"Well, it's good for everyone to find love isn't it?" Rin said perplexed.

"Kurome-dono is so kind though."

"Ku-Kurome, who is Kurome?"

"My wife." Akatsuki said.

"Whaaat?" Rin asked shocked. "You are married?" She asked again looking at Ei who nodded sadly, as though Rin was advising a married man to look away.

"Yeah." He said nonchalantly. "I am waiting for a child soon."

"No way, oh my God, you got me wrong, Akatsuki, I didn't know you were married, you don't wear any alliance."

"It's troublesome during missions." He said tiredly.

"Oh my, I am so happy for you, mm..." She spaced out a moment with a smile. "A little girl that look like Akatsuki, isn't that the cutest thing in the world."

"You don't know if it's a girl yet." Akatsuki said. "It could be a boy, I hope it's a boy."

Ei nodded.

Rin smiled. "I feel it's a girl, if my friend Jun had always had the power to predict the bad events, I always always predict the gender of the baby right, I don't know, I feel it's a girl."

Akatsuki chuckled. "We'll see, I don't think we will meet again any time soon, but I will let you know when I will publish my next novel, you have to understand the hint though."

"Um." Rin nodded cheerfully and Ei smiled. "We will see then." She said.

"I will miss both of you loads and loads." She told them with emotional eyes.

But both were too much seasick to answer with such passion so they just nodded and Rin hugged Ei one last time before leaving Akatsuki's room and walked out in the corridor of the inn.

The ship boarded this morning, and they took a rest here, except from Obito no one could continue the travel anymore.

Rin her didn't took a room and explained she shall leave for urgent business.

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