Chapter 45~ The One He Wasn't Waiting For

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"You asked for me, My Lord?" Said Rin, with a fabricated mysterious smile that left Obito shocked.

Kaiji paused a moment as he didn't expected her to enter the role so well.

Akito, looked with his jaw dropped, he was utterely drown into the young woman's beauty, he always knew she was beautiful, naturally, but he never saw her with make up and accesories, Rin was, yes beautiful, but now she was just gorgeous.

The Kunoichi felt that all the stares of the room were on her, it always happen to the last one to enter a room, but right now it was worst as some kind of long silence took place, she felt awkward, nervous and embarssed even though she had prepared herself for that.

In general, Rin was a confident person, but she lost this assurance, not because of her outfit, that was embarassing but still beautiful so it could pass, but the role she had to play was a different story.

She wouldn't dare look at the Masked Lord, she disliked masks, rapidly she shot a glance at her friend Akito only to notice him staring at her with wide eyes, Rin blushed looking away, okay there was only one possibility, she had strawberries residue in her teeth from just now, even though they made her a last check up, they must have forgotten this detail.

Rin glanced at the blond woman, Asami, trying to ask her if she looked bizarre discreetly, but Asami averted her eyes.

Akito realised he made her uncomfortable and looked away, he hated himself for being such an airhead.

Rin had only one desire, to stand up and run away as fast as possible, find the first mirror and check her teeth in the reflection, if she was embarassed up till now, now she was abashed.

However, if the Masked Lord were to refuse her directly, she couldn't be happier, she spent this whole month praying for this answer.

Kaiji was more than satisfied with Rin's look, he himself, got interested in her, that's a good thing Tobi reject woman, he can take her for himself and with some luck she may even be still a virgin.

What a pervert this Kaiji, but soon Kaiji's mischiveous smirk disapeared replaced by fear as he felt the masked man's murderous dark aura on him.

The whole air in the room changed, it becamed filled with tension, Kaiji backed down in shock, Rin and Akito both felt sweat dropping from their forehead, the blond woman next to the masked man lost her composure and took a step back, then slowly the dark aura disappeared.

The lot lasted for only a moment, but they all felt they could die in it.

Rin, bravely, raised her head and shot a glance to the Masked man, she came to the realisation, she can never beat this man.

'What the hell is this, he was supposed to call a Geisha, is this supposed to be a joke?' Obito thought angrily barely controlling his emotions and trying his hardest to calm his anger.

He was angry beyond measures, did he just treat Rin of a geisha? Or was he clumsy when he erased her memory and he erased her whole life and Kaiji found her.

That's impossible and coming straight from his imagination and pessimism.

"Come on, my little." Said Kaiji after clearing his throat.

'Did he call her 'my little'?' Obito thought feeling his blood boiling.

"This woman is....?" Obito asked in a menacing tone, not to know her name but to confirm if what he heard just now was correct, plus what's with those clothes, anybody can see her chest.

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