Chapter 33~I've Heard You

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'I took off my mask, for the first time in forever, I took my mask off....'

'In front of Rin...'

'I feel like I am gonna regret it.'


Rin stood immobile looking at him, her eyes wide open, her lips parted, the tears that stuck in her eyes since earlier finally got down.

Obito looked at her nervously, he thought he heard her sob, he didn't knew how to react himself, he didn't knew what to do, he was lost.

He looked at her eyes expecting to read something in them, it felt like the first exchange of stare they had in a lifetime.

"Rin?" He finally said with a softness he didn't knew he still possessed.

That seemed to awaken her, as if she thought she was dreaming and now she was back to reality.

She breathed in and out, looking down for only an instant before finding his eye again.

With slow steps, she walked towards him, step by step, then step by step, each step made him feel even more nervous and finally she was in front of him, tears flooding her eyes and falling non stop down her face.

Slowly, raising a shaking hand toward his face, Obito didn't made a single move, he was just staring at her nervously. Gently, she placed her hand in his scars.

Unexpectedly, her hand was cold, he didn't knew if it was because she stayed out for a long time or because she was angry, he remembered her hands always gets cold when she is upset.

"You..." Rin swallowed the difficult words still looking at him closely,  "You have so many scars." She said with caring tone, a mixture of sad and happy smile decorating her face, her tears still falling.

Slowly, she stepped back, wiping her tears off and laughing on her own.

Obito stood silent, looking at her, he looked away an instant, now it will be time for questions. He knew it, he just didn't know what to say.

"Rin, I-" He started when suddenly, she grabbed the lapel of his cloak, bringing him down and capturing his lips immediately.

The next thing Obito knew, he was kissing Rin, or she was kissing him, his eyes widened in surprise as he savoured the sweeteness of her lips, it was so intense and deep, her tongue searched for his as the young woman wrapped her arms around his neck.

Obito felt that all her love was sent to him through that kiss, it was vigorous and warm, soft and passionate, oddly harsh, yet so loving.

He immediately felt the urge to return the kiss, the kiss he felt like the one who ought to give it first, but it was already over...

'Why the hell am I always late, I thought I have changed.' Obito thought as he watched a thoughtful Rin pulling away, her cheeks red and her lips swollen, taking her breath back softly as if not daring to breath outloud.

Then again, she looked at him and this time, took him in a tight hug, sobbing a little, then crying out loud.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew you were alive." She said between sobs, hugging him so tightly her arms must hurt.

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