Chapter 48~ Lesson or Punishment

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Rin turned quickly the other side screaming "kyaa" stupidly, why was he here already? The meeting should last for at least one more hour, beside why was he coming out of the bathroom? Since when was he there.

Obito being a straight forward person, he directly got to the point, so the meeting didn't lasted that long and they quickly settled everything for today.

Tired of the long day he had, as he didn't slept the previous night, he decided to take a good bath profiting of thermal source running down the castle.

When he was done, he teleported back to his room only to find Rin there, for some reasons, smelling his cloak.

He was utterly shocked, there was many things he would have never thought she would do and she did, but this one was beyond them all.

"My apologies." Muttered Rin as she realised she dropped the cloak and bent down to fetch it, and quickly hiding her face in it, then realising and pulling back again.

"I will leave you," she started.

"Stay here." He ordered severely.

Obviously, he want an explanation.

Curious to see his face, Rin allowed herself to shot him a glance, and her eyes fell on his inferior part from her position, she was moving her head slightly trying to have a better sight of him and have a look at his face, without making it too obvious.

Him, in the other hand didn't seemed that embarrassed as he was having one hand in his hips as he watched her.

'What's with those abs,' Rin thought drawned to him.

"Why the hell am I thinking that this damn lord seem handsome?" She muttered to her self.

"Thank you. But what are you doing here with my clothes?"

"No way! Did I spoke loudly?" She asked panicked. It never happened to her before.

"Yes, you did." He said amused.

He started walking when the brunette froze in her place.

"Why are you here?" He asked trying to look severe.

"I...I....I...was asked to bring some clean blankets and the fire, yes I lit it." She said awkwardly.

"Thank you." He said simply.

"Your welcome." Rin smiled.

"And, why are you here?" His voice was a bit more menacing.

"I heard a noise in the closet, I was scared we let some rats or mouse inside and I quickly went to check." She lied quickly.

"You're very bad at lying you know." He said. "What were you looking for?"

He was just behind her, so Rin was gonna turn to face him.

"I don't give you the right to turn around." He said.

Rin was gonna complain.

"Don't you think you pushed you chances too far, especially after what you did this morning, I could have you fired. Or whipped."

Rin was embarrassed, maybe he wasn't as bad as he seemed, after all, he ignored an important and grave thing, he was a guest and she attacked him.

"Oh...," Rin started. "I am sorry, you scared me and....I ask your forgiveness. Did the shuriken injures you?"

"Then tell me honestly what you were doing here and we can forget about this morning." He said ignoring her question.

Rin quickly searched her mind for an answer and said the first word that came to her mind. "I was asked to keep you company." She lied panicked.

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