Chapter 49~ Tension

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It was already late in the evening and Akito wasn't done with the paperwork yet, he was supposed to submit it tonight and he knew the the Meeting had already started, which made him pretty late.

He clacked his tongue annoyed as he didn't found the seal.

"Here it is." Said Rin with a smile giving it to him.

"Thank you," he told her smiling too as he started stamping the sheets.

Rin poured him a cup of sake as it usually help him relax when overwhelmed by stress of work.

"You don't have to do that you know," he told her.

"Aki-chan, you're late, quick quick." She said chuckling.

He chuckled too and then started working.

Since two days ago, Rin came to see him and asked him to fulfill her punishment for splashing soup in the Lord's clothes, Akito of course refused but Rin insisted on receiving a punishment that will seal her movement in a closed area.

And therefore Akito made her his assistant, she was more than talented for the job and helped him a lot to keep up with the Masked Lord's inhuman speed of work.

It wasn't what someone could call punishment, but technically he was monitoring her movements.

He put the seal down, starting to sign some documents while Rin was arranging everything in files for him.

Akito glanced at her as he stood to put his haori, he checked all the documents one last time when he noticed he forgot an important one.

"Oh drat, I forgot to write the bill draft."

"I have it here written for you." Said Rin handing it to him, "you just need to check and add the signature and seal."

Akito checked the letter and smiled, "your writing is as beautiful as it has always been," he said thoughtful where Rin blushed. "And it's perfect, I wouldn't have done better, you're a great assistant, you know." He smiled genuinely and Rin's eyes widened.

"Your smile is beautiful, Aki-chan."

He looked at her surprised, slowly, he raised a hand toward her then stopped.

"When I come back, I'd like to tell you something."

Rin nodded.

"You'll wait here right?"

"Oh Aki-chan if people hear you keep a woman in your apartment, they are gonna talk." She said teasingly.

"Let them," he said suddenly taking her by surprise.

"I won't wait here, if I don't peel those vegetables for Dakoto she is gonna hang me, I am supposed to be having my punishment here and goes back to my task once the punishment over after all, but thanks to you, I hadn't got any punishment." She chuckled.

"You had one, you were my assistant and helped me achieve a five days work in only two days."

Rin chuckled."I would call this more a promotion than a punishment, but it was quiet a hectic two days." She said stretching her linked arms up, the young man looked at her then she looked at him. "But I will definitely be back by the time you come back, if you wanna tell me something, of course I would listen."

He smiled. "I will be off then."

"Thank you for your hard work." She said.

"Tonight, try to sleep, you barely had any sleep those two last night."

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